Henry Cavill wowed fans when he built a gaming PC from scratch

He is known for his love of gaming, and previously admitted he missed a call offering him the role of Superman because he was too busy playing World Of Warcraft.

And Henry Cavill drove fans wild with his latest Instagram video which saw him build a gaming PC from scratch to sultry music on Friday.

The Witcher star, 37, could be seen in a blue tank top that showed off his muscular arms and torso as he constructed the computer.

Multi-talented: Henry Cavill drove fans WILD as he built a gaming PC from scratch to sultry music in a hilarious video he shared to Instagram on Friday

He built the computer to the tune of Barry White’s You’re The First, My Last, My Everything and Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love Babe, which left fans reeling.

Henry first showed his progress using a GoPro camera that was attached to a headband so he could show fans the little details that go into putting a PC together.

Then swapping to a camera that filmed him from a further distance, Henry smiled as he used tools to put the parts together until the build was complete.

Muscular: The Witcher star, 37, could be seen in a blue tank top that showed off his muscular arms and torso as he constructed the computer

Sultry music: Henry built the computer to the tune of Barry White’s You’re The First, My Last, My Everything and Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love Babe, which left fans reeling

In an amusing twist, the actor showed off the finished computer which had colourful lighting inside and worked perfectly fine, until he realised he had put one of the components upside down.

Endeavouring to fix his mistake, Henry decided to take the whole thing apart again the next day so that he could the numbered panel would be the right way around.

Joking about the video, he wrote in the caption: ‘All The Parts This kind of material isn’t for everyone….viewer direction is advised. You may see a lot of parts that you haven’t seen before.’

close look: Henry first showed his progress using a GoPro camera that was attached to a headband so he could show fans the little details that go into putting a PC together

Oops: In an amusing twist, the actor showed off the finished computer which worked perfectly fine, until he realised he had put one of the components upside down (left)

Determined: Endeavouring to fix his mistake, Henry decided to take the whole thing apart again the next day so that he could the numbered panel would be the right way around

Fans were besides themselves over the video, and took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the Superman actor’s looks and ability to build a computer.

One person wrote: ‘Who needs 50 shades of grey when you can watch Henry Cavill build a PC?’

While another joked: ‘i watched henry cavill build a gaming pc for 6 minutes. 12/10 great content [sic]’

Another fan added: ‘Watching Henry Cavill build his gaming PC was an experience I wasn’t emotionally or mentally prepared for. BRB swooning. [sic]’

Gushing: Fans were besides themselves over the video, and took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the Superman actor’s looks and ability to build a computer

Henry still has a lot of time to game before he heads back to the set of The Witcher, which resumes filming on August 17 after filming came to a halt because of the coronavirus crisis.

Showrunners took to Twitter last month to reveal the news in the form of a poem by Geralt’s bard Jaskier, which said it was time for filming to restart after production stopped earlier this year amid the coronavirus crisis.

The poem read: ‘I’m dusting off my lute and quill, I have some news, some mead to spill: After all the months we’ve been apart It’s time for production to restart.

‘The Witcher and his bard – who’s flawless, will reunite on set 17 August.’

Production on The Witcher had begun in February in the UK prior to the lockdown, with some scenes being filmed in Surrey.

It’s back! Henry still has a time to game before he heads back to the set of The Witcher, which resumes filming on August 17 after filming came to a halt because of the coronavirus crisis