‘Beyoncé is not so innocent’: Diddy SNITCHES ON Jay Z For Ditching Him | Beyonce Planning To Divorce Jay Z | HO

‘Beyoncé is not so innocent’: Diddy SNITCHES ON Jay Z For Ditching Him | Beyonce Planning To Divorce Jay Z 

Y’all…Diddy really said, “If I’m going down. I’m taking everybody with me!” So word on the street is that Diddy is trying to get revenge on his BFF Jay Z for giving him the cold shoulder amid the recent controversy…

Allegedly, Diddy is now on a mission to spill all of Jay’Z’s dirty secrets and the rumor mill is buzzing with speculation that Beyonce is trying to get out of that marriage before Jay gets exposed as Diddy 2.0.



Diddy is not playing with Kanye West after the Donda rapper doubled down on his “White Lives Matter” t-shirts. Following his controversial Tucker Carlson interview, Ye posted a series of text messages that Diddy (aka Love, Puff, Puff Daddy, etc.) sent him, seemingly making threats over the WLM fashion statement, RadarOnline.com has learned.

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“Never call me with no bull—- like that again unless you ready to green light me,” Ye responded in a text message to “Puff.”

“Cause anybody who got on that tee is me,” he wrote. “Come do something illegal to me noooow pleeeeeeeeeease.”

Ye wasn’t done there. He then shared Diddy’s responses.

kanyet text

“As soon as I land we’ll meet face to face!!! Send me an address,” Diddy shot back, prompting Ye to respond, “N—- F— YOU” in all capital letters before calling the music mogul a “FED.”

The alarming text exchange just kept coming.

“N—- send me an address. Let’s stop playing with this internet games,” Diddy wrote. “And don’t feel threatened. You’ll be fine. Just love.” Ye didn’t see it that way.

“This ain’t a game,” he told Diddy. “Ima use you as an example to show the Jewish people that told you to call me that no one can threaten or influence me. Now gone get you some business.”

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