Cardi B is undoubtedly one of the most popular rappers in the music industry.

With hits like WAP, Bodak Yellow, Hot Sh*t, and Up under her name, the rapper has made a name for herself and acquired a huge number of fans. With fame comes the expectation of looking flawless all the time, which though is an impossible thing to do, is still something that celebrities try to do. Hair is one of the defining features of female artists, and recently, the rapper shared her secrets to healthy and beautiful hair.

Cardi B shares secrets behind her flawless hair

Cardi B

Cardi B shares her hair care routine

The rapper took to Instagram to share a picture of her long, black, luscious hair. In the caption of the picture, the rapper talked about using onions as a means of maintaining good hair. The star stated,

“My last 2 washes I been boiling onions and using the water to wash my hair. I used to do this 6 years ago when I started my healthy hair growth journey. I stopped cause I got really lazy.”

Cardi B reassures fans about using onions on hair

Cardi B

Cardi B reassures fans about using onions on hair

In the caption, Cardi B reassured the fans that the water doesn’t leave behind the odor of onion and stated that it leaves her hair rejuvenated and shiny.
“Its odorless and I notice that it’s been giving a shine to my hair.”

The rapper is definitely not wrong since, according to Healthline, an onion helps to strengthen and repair dry, damaged hair and encourages its growth. Moreover, it also has the power to reverse gray hair, making hair look shiny and beautiful.

Fans appreciate Cardi B’s advice regarding hair care

Cardi B

Fans ask the rapper to start a hair care line

The singer’s post was appreciated by the fans, and many of them left positive comments under her post. They even talked about trying the hair care routine themselves to assess its reliability.

“Let me put a pot of onions on rn.”

“Your hair has grown so much sis! it looks so healthy and beautiful”

“Onion??? Wow. So many tricks! I’m doing my wash this weekend. Thanks, Bardi”

“It looks amazing. Y’all ladies better start using onion water”

Some of the fans also demanded the rapper drop a haircare line and share more secrets to help keep their hair healthy.