Christian Bale’s Voice as Batman was so Intimidating that it Managed to Make Earth-616’s Spider-Man Envious

The 21st Century has been a wonderful time for superhero cinema, especially for characters like Batman. Receiving 3 high-performing reboots from acclaimed directors like Matt Reeves, Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan, Batman has been played by actors who are not only versatile but also clear in their vision of the character.

Bale Batman Nolan

Bale’s Batman lacks the build

While each of the Bats has their own merits, it stands without a doubt that Christian Bale’s Batman in the Nolan trilogy had the most iconic voice of the three. The deep raspy voice was so popular, that Spider-Man ended up directly referencing it in the mainline MCU timeline.

Spider-Man took the Batman route when it came to scaring criminals

Spider-Man from the pages of Marvel Comics

Spider-Man from the pages of Marvel Comics

In the panels of Marvel’s Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, Issue #589, Spider-Man finds himself dealing with some criminals, having a tough time dealing with them. he Web-Head wonders out loud if it would be easier if the character would talk like Christian Bale. This is followed by a parodied line from Nolan’s films, which the reader presumes Peter is trying to do in a similarly raspy voice. However, the character gives up shortly after, wondering how the actor did it behind the screens.

Not only does this confirm that Christian Bale exists in the universe, but also that he plays the iconic Bat of Gotham in the Marvel 616 universe. While this has some weird implications (given that DC and Marvel characters have actually crossed paths with each other, and even been fused) since Spider-Man has also developed a rich history of travelling the multiverse. However, given the multiple reboots and relaunches that are in place, the Caped Crusader may be complete fiction in the Spider-Man universe.

DC and Marvel Comics have a rich history of paying homage to each other

Deadpool in the MCU

Deadpool, DC’s inspiration for Red Tool, and the Marvel’s homage to Deathstroke

As humorous as the homage to DC is, this is hardly the first time DC or Marvel have poked fun at the other through their comics. Plenty of times, entire characters have been created as rip-offs or homages to corresponding characters in their respective competitor’s universes. One of the biggest examples of this is  Harley Quinn’s one-sided love interest, Red Tool. Made as an affectionate parody of Deadpool. who in turn is a parody of DC’s Deathstroke, is a prime example of the IP repertoire that the companies have established over their decades-long rivalry.

Marvel has routinely referenced DC, especially The Dark Knight, in its works across all of its media. DC, in turn, has also navigated homages into their story, be it Sideways (DC’s hommage to Spider-Man) or Aquaman (DC’s answer to Namor), the companies have always been on the lookout for what the other doing, often weaving their stories together, almost like an ouroboros.