With the ability to attract millions of audiences at each performance, singer Taylor Swift is dubbed as a “money-making machine,” contributing to affirming the entertainment industry’s position in the economy and tourism of the countries where she performs.

Bí quyết nào đã giúp Swift có được sức bền và năng lượng tràn trề cho các show ca nhạc khổng lồ? - Ảnh: People

What secrets have enabled Swift to sustain the stamina and boundless energy for large-scale music shows? – Photo: People

Most recently, in Singapore, despite facing some health challenges, “country music princess” Taylor Swift still managed to impress the audience by performing continuously for 3 hours over several days. What secrets have helped Swift maintain the endurance and vitality for such massive concerts?

In a recent interview in her role as the 2023 Person of the Year as voted by Time magazine, Swift shared insights into how she prepares her stamina to meet the demands of her tours.

Taylor Swift runs and lifts weights to build endurance

Six months before her first performance, Swift started jogging. “Every day I run on the treadmill, singing the entire playlist out loud. I run fast for fast songs, and run slowly or walk fast for slow songs.” , she shared.

Taylor Swift also adjusted her diet, in addition to exercising like strength training and weight lifting. To ensure she can perform dance moves smoothly throughout the show, the female singer even spent three months learning to dance, with the hope that the moves would “seep into her bones”, giving the audience a unique experience. the best.

Health recovery: Absolute rest

Between tour stops, Taylor Swift allocates 24 hours for rest and energy replenishment. She explained to Time: “I don’t leave my bed except for food delivery, and I eat in bed too. I can hardly speak because I’ve sung for three consecutive shows. Every step I take, my feet squeak because of dancing in high heels.”

Swift understands the importance of dedicating time to do nothing. “I know I’ll be on stage whether I’m sick, injured, heartbroken, uncomfortable, or stressed. We all deserve a break, whether it’s after a workout or a busy day.”

Take a deep breath. You can also allow yourself a day of lounging in bed like Taylor Swift, take a stroll around the neighborhood, or indulge in a self-massage therapy to relax.

Giữa các chặng lưu diễn, Taylor Swift dành 24 giờ để nghỉ ngơi và nạp lại năng lượng - Ảnh: People

Between tour stages, Taylor Swift spends 24 hours resting and recharging – Photo: People

Healthy diet, no alcohol

Unlike many stars who adhere to strict diets, undergo drastic weight fluctuations, which can be harmful to long-term health, Taylor Swift adopts a balanced approach to her diet. She opts for a healthy menu throughout the week and allows herself dietary freedom on weekends.

To prepare her health and voice for “The Eras Tour,” Taylor Swift says no to alcohol. She stopped drinking alcohol months before the performance.

Overall, the singer does not push herself to the extent of giving up her favorite foods, such as sweets. “I try to maintain a light diet, but nothing too crazy,” Taylor Swift said. “I don’t want to create too many rules that I don’t need.”

Taylor Swift always carries water with her.

Taylor Swift recognizes the importance of water for the body. The American singer-songwriter once revealed in an interview with Bon Appétit in 2012: “I keep a lot of water in the dressing room. I drink about 10 bottles of water a day. I drink so much water that my friends call me an alien.”

She never leaves the house without carrying a water bottle, and she even keeps water in her car as a backup.

Although you don’t need to drink as much water as Taylor Swift does, aiming for about 11.5 cups, or 2.7 liters of water per day is recommended. Having enough water in the body helps our cardiovascular, digestive, and immune systems function more efficiently. Start with a glass of water in the morning, and your skin will quickly improve.

Spiritual care: Write in a journal and be honest with your feelings

“Health is an important part of happiness,” Taylor Swift once shared. For her, this means being in a good state both physically and mentally.

Since childhood, Taylor Swift has been fond of writing in her journal. Whenever feeling down, she always thought, “It’s okay, I can write about this after school.”

“When I was young, I learned to deal with my emotions by writing,” she recounted. Putting pen to paper has many benefits, such as reducing stress, creating space to release negative thoughts, and exploring oneself more deeply.

In addition to journaling, Taylor Swift also uses her songwriting and music abilities to express all her emotions. Whether feeling hurt, rejected, sad, lonely, joyful, or happy, the singer always asks herself: “Can I write a song about this?”

Be like Taylor Swift, view journaling as a therapy session for yourself, an effective way to handle emotions.

Taylor Swift sử dụng khả năng sáng tác và âm nhạc để cảm nhận tất cả những cảm xúc của bản thân - Ảnh: People

Taylor Swift uses songwriting and music to feel all her emotions – Photo: People

Take care of yourself: See everywhere as home

During her tours, spending hours on the road, giving her all on stage, and not sleeping in her familiar cozy bed at home can leave Taylor Swift feeling exhausted.

The key to maintaining balance and overcoming discomfort is always carrying essential items and building comforting habits, including psychological ones. Taylor Swift’s first task upon entering a hotel room is unpacking her belongings.

“I do it everywhere I go. I really like the feeling of putting clothes in drawers and shoes in the closet,” Swift says. This creates a sense of familiarity for her, making her feel more comfortable.

The singer also always brings candles and even her pet cat on tour. All these little actions help Taylor Swift nurture positive emotions and maintain energy for her performances.