Man Breaks Into Tears As He Reveals He Could Be Forced To Sell His Home To Pay $25,000 Medical Bill For Beloved Dog

A devastated man has opened up about his agony after realizing he might be forced to sell his home to pay his beloved dog’s medical bills.

Jaxon Feeley from Wigan, England, was stunned when his pooch, a 2-year-old Weimaraner named Rambo, suddenly began vomiting one Friday night in January.

By Saturday morning, the dog reportedly vomited up to thirty times, leaving her owner with no choice but to rush her to the vet ER.

©Jaxon Feeley

On top of suffering a hypovolemic shock, an emergency condition resulting in extreme fluid or blood loss, Rambo also contracted stomach flu during her medical scare.

After his companion had spent ten days at the vet, Jaxon was hit with the devastating news that Rambo’s treatment could cost up to more than $20,000 by the end of her stay at the clinic.

The prison officer has since launched an appeal on GoFundMe where he asked for financial help while saying he would rather sell his home than let anything happen to his beloved dog.

©Jaxon Feeley

“Rambo’s insurance has covered her up to £6,500 [$7,800]. Her bill is now up to £11,500 [$13,800] after 1 week in care,” he wrote.

“It is unknown how long Rambo will need to stay at the vets and intensive care costs is approximately £1,000 [$1,200] per day.

“If the worst happens and Rambo requires major surgery, the cost of this as well as the aftercare is something I need to be able to give my little baby girl.”

Mr. Feeley also shared an update about Rambo’s condition saying she is under constant observation.

©Jaxon Feeley

“The vets are now continuously attempting to drain Rambo’s lung and monitoring the infection within her lungs whilst assessing the level of bacteria in the fluid which is being drained out. Due to all of the medication she is now on Rambo is still vomiting and hasn’t eaten any food herself for a week,” he added.

“The worry is that there is now a possibility an abscess has formed on Rambo’s lung which would require major surgery to remove. Vets cannot assess whether this is the case or not for a few days whilst Rambo hopefully begins to respond to treatment.

©Jaxon Feeley

“However, if it is, which is my biggest fear, the risk to Rambo’s life is significant. I could never forgive myself if I couldn’t give her the best fighting chance to pull through this horrendous situation.”

The loving dog owner also revealed that Rambo’s treatment could cost a total of more than $20,000, hence his plea for help on GoFundMe.

Fortunately, Good Samaritans responded and Jaxon has already raised more than £28,000 [$33,500] for his pooch’s treatment.

Our thoughts are with Rambo and Jaxon during this challenging time.