Rihanna’s New Man Is A Billionaire From Saudi And It’s Making The Internet Go Crazy

It seems like Rihanna has been single for a while. But, not anymore!

Looks like Rihanna’s love life is heating up quite a lot as pictures of her getting hot and heavy with her new man while on vacation in Spain have surfaced

When the pictures came out, it sent the whole internet into a frenzy. Everyone was trying to figure out who this mystery man actually was.

Turns out the man is Saudi businessman, Hassan Jameel, whose family has a net worth of US$1.5 billion and this was enough to make the internet explode.

when you find out Rihanna’s new man is a rich Saudi pic.twitter.com/o4HyuH6nkw

— sereena (@ya3sereena) June 28, 2017

Rihanna got thick, got a new hit song, got a new man. pic.twitter.com/pEhIwfRt7c

— . (@StefanSaxon) June 27, 2017

Reportedly, they have been dating since January. A source said, “This relationship is the real deal. Rihanna has told friends she’s in love with him and seems completely smitten. They’ve been spending a lot of time away from prying eyes and are really serious. His family are also extremely wealthy and private. She was coming into the UK on a regular basis to see him.”

Well, judging by the pictures, they really do seem completely smitten by each other and so in love.

Rihanna's New Man Is A Billionaire From Saudi And It's Making The Internet Go Crazy

Source: Instagram/Rihanna

Also, this brought up one more important question.

On a a serious note, just IMAGINE what would happen if a Saudi woman was seen frenching a celebrity.

— Abdulla (@Abdulla_Nq) June 28, 2017