Video – Man Claiming He Was Attacked by Offset’s Bodyguards Says Rapper Is Ignoring Lawsuit

Last year, a pushy ‘autograph hound’ was reportedly attacked by Cardi B’s security team.

Cardi and Offset were leaving a Met Gala afterparty in New York City, when the man, Giovanni Arnold, approached Cardi for an autograph. Arnold filed a lawsuit against Cardi, Offset, and the three bodyguards claiming he was attacked. The Mark Hotel also filed a lawsuit in an attempt to ensure that they weren’t responsible.


TMZ reports that Arnold isn’t happy because Offset is ignoring the lawsuit, which is why he’s not filed new documents asking for the judge to enter a default judgment. Cardi, meanwhile, has been responding to the lawsuit.

Cardi’s team said that Arnold, who says he suffered multiple injuries from the incident, was very obnoxious and agressive towards the couple. Last month, it was reported that Migos and Cardi’s security detail would not face any charges over the scuffle. Arnold’s attorney Daniel Szalkiewicz explained, “Our office was deeply upset to learn that the NYPD has decided not to prosecute Cardi B, Offset, or any of their body guards following their actions last year after the Met Gala.”

Offset's Ignoring Lawsuit, Says Plaintiff Who Wants Default Judgment

He went on to accuse the NYPD of endorsing violence. “They have given Cardi B, Offset, and all celebrities a license to assasult people who say things they don’t like,” Szalkiewicz said.