Angelina admitted she is a “freak” in bed with a strange s*x life, she even brought female models into the private room to enjoy “juicy time” with Brad Pitt

The hottest divorce case in the world today has revealed to fans the horrifying truths in the lives of star couple Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

Being famous, rich and powerful people with a happy marriage over the past decade, having 3 adopted children and 3 biological children together, Angelina Jolie and Barad Pitt suddenly divorced, making many people surprised . Surprise.

Since then, their divorce has become the focus of public opinion as the custody battle for their children became fierce and all the secrets of their private lives were gradually revealed, shocking everyone.

Angelina and Brad dealt strong blows to each other when they revealed their unusual sex life during the time they lived together.

Revelations in their sex life caused the couple's image to collapse in the eyes of fans.

Revelations in their sex life caused the couple’s image to collapse in the eyes of fans.

As for Angelina, recently, Radar Online reported that she will publish an autobiography revealing her “nightmare” marriage with actor Brad Pitt and will be released in April 2017. after the divorce of “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” was completed.

Does Angelina’s autobiography reveal anything about their “open” marriage? She is bisexual. And is it true that the needs of women are always on her mind, causing the beauty to feel depressed and cramped when she married Brad Pitt.

Famous for her wild past, Angelina Jolie lost her virginity at the age of 14. Before joining Brad Pitt, she experienced many passionate and depraved love affairs. Sex is often a tool for Angelina to relieve deadlock in life. Being married twice and experiencing same-sex relationships perhaps partly shows that Jolie is a woman with extremely “strong” instincts.

It wasn’t until she got to know Brad and was with Brad that the “Secret of the Ancient Tomb” actress became less impulsive and wild than before. In an interview with Public magazine, Angie affirmed that it was Pitt who pulled her out of her mistakes and helped her change. She said: “I’ve never hidden that I’m a lesbian, but since I met Brad Pitt, I’m no longer gay. His love transformed me into a different person.”

There was a time when Angelina felt passionate about Brad Pitt.

There was a time when Angelina felt passionate about Brad Pitt.

However, a recent source said that even though she is married to a charming man like Brad, Angelina still has a need for women. And this need is always in her mind. This makes Jolie feel trapped when she is with Brad Pitt. To solve this situation, Angelina and Brad often invite female models to their house to “have fun” in a threesome.

Pitt is even said to be a shy man who lacks confidence. He was haunted by the idea that Angelina would have an affair. This is why Brad Pitt uses alcohol and drugs to support his low self-esteem.

Radar Online believes that Brad Pitt’s reputation may be significantly affected after Angelina Jolie releases her memoir.

“The nightmares during the time they lived together may surprise everyone. From three-way sex, drug use to marital violence,” this newspaper wrote.

Brad Pitt is said to have low self-esteem in his sex life with his wife

Brad Pitt is said to have low self-esteem in his sex life with his wife

As for Brad Pitt, after many concessions and negotiations with Angelina Jolie to share custody of their children with his wife, but failed and was rejected by the female star, she declared that she was ready to go to court with Brad to gain full rights. Take care of the children and only let the actor visit when it is most necessary. Unwilling, Brad recently took practical actions to start a custody battle with Angelina Jolie.

Also according to a source from Radar Online, the 53-year-old actor currently holds 100 hours of audio tape. In the tape, Brad revealed his different life every time the couple had sex and his wife’s psychological problems. Thereby, he also shared his long-standing secret thoughts about Angelina.

A source who heard the tape told Radar that Brad confided in his psychiatrist, Ron Bar, that “when they had sex, she often cut herself to the point of bleeding.” I cried and then dripped on Brad. He didn’t like it at all. In addition, Angelina also likes to be tied to the bed by her husband.

Angelina is known to be a woman with a strong sex life. Even when married, she still brings models into the couple's bedroom.

Angelina is known to be a woman with a strong sex life. Even when married, she still brings models into the couple’s bedroom.

This person further revealed: “Brad feels like there are two people living in her body. Angelina Jolie can get very aggressive and extremely violent. She often breaks things in the house and hurts herself. Brad wanted to cry every time he called Ron Bar to complain about her abnormal psychology.”

However, this is not the first time the 41-year-old female star has been known by her fans for her eccentric lifestyle that is different from other star couples. Before that, while living with her second husband, actor Billy Bob Thornton, Angelina Jolie also had other strange hobbies such as keeping knives under her pillow, cutting her fingers to take blood and putting them in pendants to wear. neck.

A pendant containing the fresh blood of Angelina Jolie and her ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton was worn by the couple around their necks.

A pendant containing the fresh blood of Angelina Jolie and her ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton was worn by the couple around their necks.

It must be mentioned that Angelina Jolie’s sex life had a special change when she had to go through the most difficult period in her life because she had to decide to have breast surgery to prevent cancer. Last year she continued to have her ovaries removed and her fallopian tubes tied. Jolie strongly accepted to trade everything to keep her life because she thought of her children and Brad Pitt.

Jolie’s health also declined significantly, she became visibly thinner and was said to only drink alcohol and not eat much. Many people believe that Angelina’s wasting has made Brad Pitt feel bored. The coolness in his love and sex life with Angie caused Pitt to fall in love with another woman, leading to the breakup of the Brangelina family.

Angelina's poor health and skinny body made the couple's sex life cold

Angelina’s poor health and skinny body made the couple’s sex life cold

From the above information, fans have more grounds to speculate about the real cause of the famous couple’s breakup. Although it is not known whether sex was the cause of Brangelina’s breakup, it is clear that the two people’s wild and rather sick sex life had a significant influence on this couple’s decision to divorce.