Angelina Jolie’s beautiful daughter rebelled at the age of 17

Among the three biological children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, daughter Shiloh is said to possess the most beautiful features of her parents.

Shiloh is the first daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. The daughter of the star of the Dark Fairy family   received many compliments for her beautiful beauty and inherited the dominant genes of both parents.

But at the age of 17, Shiloh pursued an individual image. Western media said she cut her hair to support Angelina Jolie’s humanitarian art project and support Iranian women. Recently, the paparazzi continued to see Shiloh with short hair dyed a striking pink color.

Angelina Jolie's beautiful daughter rebelled at the age of 17-1

Shiloh returned to her tomboy look to support her mother’s humanitarian art project.

In recent years, Shiloh has grown her hair long and dressed in feminine, gentle clothes. In 2021, Shiloh exploded in beauty when she and Angelina Jolie appeared in a series of events to launch the movie  Eternals.  She is constantly praised as a perfect copy of her mother.

In addition to her beautiful beauty, Shiloh is also praised for her dancing talent. She also makes her own money even though she comes from a rich background. Western media once reported that Shiloh worked as a dancer, tutor and assistant to her mother.

Angelina Jolie's beautiful daughter rebelled at the age of 17-2

Angelina Jolie's beautiful daughter rebelled at the age of 17-3

Shiloh explodes with beauty when returning to her feminine style.

Previously, Shiloh attracted attention with her tomboy style. Appearing with her family, she always wears masculine clothes and has a short, stylish haircut. Shiloh also publicly announced that she belongs to the LGBT community.

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Since childhood, Shiloh has had a unique style, cutting her hair short.

In an interview with  Vanity Fair  in 2010, Angelina Jolie said that Shiloh had learned about her sexuality since she was 3 years old. The female star shared:  “Shiloh wanted to be a boy. So we had to cut her hair short. And Shiloh only likes to wear boy’s clothes . ”

Brad Pitt also shared with Oprah Winfrey that his first daughter wanted to be called John or Peter instead of her real name Shiloh. Mr. and  Mrs. Smith  respect their daughter’s thoughts and do not prohibit her from expressing her own ego.

“I think her choice is quite interesting. I’m not the type of parent who forces their children to become people they’re not. I think that’s a bad type of parent,” Angelina Jolie shared . shared with  Reuters.

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Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt support their daughter’s thoughts.

At the age of 11, Shiloh intended to change gender. WNews  reported that Angelina Jolie ‘s  daughter went to see a hormone treatment consultant to return to her true self as a boy. However, up to now, Shiloh has not changed anything about her gender.

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Shiloh once intended to transition to male.

Although Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are currently divorced, they both still have respect and love for their children.

Shiloh has a close relationship with her two biological twins Knox – Vivienne and their adopted siblings Maddox, Zahara and Pax Thien. She also often accompanies her mother in volunteer projects.

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Shiloh has a close relationship with her siblings.