Turns out Britney Spears left hidden details in the Everytime MV from 20 years ago about bad guy Justin Timberlake making her life miserable.

The love affair with Justin Timberlake left Britney Spears deeply hurt.

Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were once a famous couple in the world of entertainment. They dated each other when they were teenagers, but only 3 years later they broke up loudly.

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The female singer did not mention her ex-lover after breaking up, but what Justin Timberlake did made the public extremely disappointed and called him a “bad boy”. Many people even believe that besides Britney Spears’ family and ex-husband, Justin Timberlake is also one of the people who pushed the “Pop princess” into a pit of despair throughout her life.

Released a song implying Britney Spears had an affair

In 2002, Justin Timberlake began his solo career and received great attention with the hit Cry Me A River . The male singer said it only took him 2 hours to complete the song because he was so angry. Cry Me A River is filled with words implying that a girl is unfaithful: “You don’t have to say anything. I already know what you did, I knew it from that guy”, “People say yes Things that shouldn’t be said, not the same as what you told him. You know, don’t pretend like you don’t know.”

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 2.

Justin Timberlake hinted at Britney Spears being unfaithful in Cry Me A River

Although Justin Timberlake did not say it out loud, the public implicitly understood that the girl in the song was Britney Spears – the noisy love affair the male singer had just broken up with. Even though she was criticized by public opinion and “stoned” as an unfaithful person, the female singer did not give a single explanation. Justin Timberlake also did not speak up to defend his ex-lover, despite public opinion criticizing her and helping his song become more famous.

In 2006, the male singer admitted that this song was written about Britney Spears, as a retaliation against his ex-girlfriend. And it wasn’t until 2022 that Justin Timberlake publicly apologized to Britney Spears. The male singer called himself a “failure” because he blamed the breakup on her and used the “pain” to promote his music products.

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 3.

Justin Timberlake admitted to using his ex-girlfriend’s name to promote music products

Revealing details of Britney Spears’ private affairs to promote new music

Although Justin Timberlake said he was heartbroken after breaking up with Britney Spears, the singer’s actions didn’t seem like that. The male singer twice spread details about his ex-girlfriend’s private “bed” story just to promote his new song.

During an interview on Star and Buc Morning Show , when asked by the MC: “Did you have sex with Britney Spears?”, the male singer excitedly replied: “Oh my god, I did.” Not stopping here, Justin Timberlake also described in detail his sexual encounters with his ex-girlfriend in words that made the audience blush. In 2006, the owner of the hit song Cry Me A River once again affirmed that he was the one who took away Britney Spears’ “first time”.

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 4.

Justin Timberlake constantly complains about his private affairs with Britney Spears

Justin Timberlake’s actions made Britney Spears fans extremely angry and called the singer a “bad boy”. Surely no one wants their private affairs to be announced to the whole world by their ex-lover like that.

Forcing Britney Spears to have an abortion because she was not ready to be a father

It wasn’t until the release of her memoir The Woman In Me that Britney Spears revealed the pain she had hidden for more than 20 years. It turns out that in 2000, the singer was pregnant with Justin Timberlake. But the child could not be born, “Pop princess” abortion Justin Timberlake was not ready to be a father. “Even though the pregnancy was unexpected, I don’t consider it a tragedy. I love Justin very much and always wanted to build a family with him. But this happened much sooner than I expected. Justin did not “He said we weren’t ready to have children, we were too young,” Britney Spears confided.

Britney Spears said that if the decision belonged to her, the singer would not have an abortion. But Justin Timberlake absolutely did not want to be a father, so she decided not to have children. The singer recalled that abortion was one of the most painful experiences of her life.

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 5.

Britney Spears had an abortion because Justin Timberlake was not ready to be a father

Britney Spears’ revelation shocked fans. Many people sent words of comfort to the female singer and condemned “bad boy” Justin Timberlake. Fans also reviewed a detail in Britney Spears’ MV Everytime , released in 2003. This song is said to be an apology from the female singer to her ex-boyfriend. In the MV, there is a scene where Britney Spears’ soul sees a woman who has just given birth and is holding her baby in her arms. At that time, not many people paid attention to this detail, but now fans realize that it is a metaphor for the aborted child of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake.

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 6.

It turns out that Britney Spears left hidden details in the MV Everytime 20 years ago

Pressure and negotiate so that Britney Spears does not “expose” herself in her autobiography

The Sun revealed that Justin Timberlake knew of Britney Spears’ plan to release her memoir several months ago. The male singer was worried about being “exposed” so he tried to contact and negotiate with Britney Spears. The male singer fears that the revealed past stories will destroy him. In response, a representative from the publishing industry said that the memoir only tells the story of Britney Spears and has no intention of destroying or taking revenge on anyone.

Many netizens think this is ironic because Justin Timberlake also mentioned Britney Spears in his autobiography Hindsight & All The Things I Can’t See In Front Of Me released in 2021.

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 7.

The Sun reported that Justin Timberlake had negotiated with Britney Spears before the memoir The Woman In Me was released

Bad boy Justin Timberlake makes Britney Spears' life miserable: Implying that the Pop princess is having an affair, gossiping about her sex and forcing Britney to have an abortion - Photo 8.

Ironically, he mentioned his old love many times in his memoir