Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Travis CHEATED HER With 13 Different Women

Travis Barker, known for his relationship with Courtney Kardashian, has been labeled as the biggest womanizer among Kardashian’s past partners. Despite outward displays of affection, recent revelations shed light on Barker’s history of infidelity. Before his involvement with Courtney, he was romantically linked to Kim Kardashian, expressing his admiration for her in his memoir.

Kourtney Kardashian Reveals Travis CHEATED HER With 13 Different Women -  YouTube

Travis Barker’s past relationships reveal a pattern of serial cheating. His experiences with ex-wives, including Shauna Mclair, showcase a lack of loyalty, with Barker admitting to infidelity with multiple women simultaneously. These confessions emerged in an interview where Barker reflected on his previous marriages, highlighting a consistent theme of unfaithfulness.

Despite these revelations, Travis Barker’s image as a devoted partner to Courtney Kardashian remains intact. The couple recently welcomed their first child, Rocky, following their marriage in Italy. However, Barker openly admitted to not being monogamous, expressing a preference for a non-exclusive lifestyle. He emphasized his love for being single and his commitment to music over monogamy.

Courtney Kardashian, aware of Barker’s past, reportedly struggles with trust issues in their relationship. A source close to her revealed that despite Barker’s promises, Courtney remains cautious, especially after giving birth. She has expressed concerns about potential infidelity and has been vigilant, checking Barker’s phone for reassurance.

The relationship between Travis Barker and Courtney Kardashian sparked rumors in February 2019, gaining confirmation in January 2021. Travis professed his love for Courtney, dating back to 2007, during an episode of the Kardashians. Courtney, in an interview, expressed her desire to have two children with Barker, despite his history of failed marriages and infidelity.

Travis Barker’s past marriages, one to Melissa Kennedy and another to Shauna Muer, ended in divorce. Barker has two children with Shauna, while Courtney has three children with her ex, Scott Disick. Despite Barker’s admission of non-monogamy, the couple seems committed to making their relationship work.

The question remains whether Courtney Kardashian and Travis Barker can achieve a successful and enduring marriage, considering his turbulent romantic history. Share your thoughts on whether marrying someone non-monogamous is a wise decision and your predictions for the future of Courtney and Travis’s relationship in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more celebrity updates.