SPEAK OUT! Whoopi Goldberg warns about the consequences of a Trump victory

hoopi Goldberg has always enjoyed a reputation for giving it to people straight, and she did so again this week when stating that if this country votes Trump in again, we’ll get what we deserve for not “being loud enough.”

This site has done almost nothing but warn people about what Trump is saying and planning, but The View is a monolithic institution on television. It’s what The New York Times calls the most powerful political show on television, and her point is taken.

Goldberg did make an interesting point that doesn’t occur to us politicos as much. Sometimes polling is inaccurate because people will answer out of anger, not necessarily how they’ll vote.

There is still the perception that inflation is rising (it is not; it is falling), and perhaps people say they will vote for Trump when angry about prices but then will get their senses together when they actually vote:
“We have known Donald Trump since the ’80s when he was an awful real estate person, then The Apprentice, and then a really bad president. But now all we hear about is the indictments. He has the microphone. Everyone knows who he is. We need to keep putting other people forward to give them alternatives. I don’t believe that when people get polled, they– I heard I read an article that said a lot of times they just vent about what makes them unhappy and it doesn’t necessarily lead to a vote in the booth. Let it play out.”

But even that dynamic could be terribly dangerous because Trump convinced his army that they lost an election — one in which he was never even close in the popular vote — in the polls (But then lost by 40,000 votes spread across three states).

If Trump enters the election UP in the polls and then loses, God only knows what he’ll ask his army to do. Whoopi moved on:
“I also want to point out the fact that that is not how we work as a government. We’re not a dictatorship. You can’t say, ‘Oh, it’s me,’ so you can’t decide it’s you. The people have to decide it’s you. They’re not going to they’re not going to let you do that, and these are, it’s important to know that just because you want it to happen, it doesn’t happen that way. We have checks and balances, which has kept you in line.”
Yes, but Whoopi, we have checks and balances called laws, and they’re supposed to prevent someone from doing something, and Trump rolled right over them. So why are we supposed to believe he’ll honor a Supreme Court that he really doesn’t like if he’s president?

Goldberg did make a prescient point in discussing the matter with Joy Behar:

Goldberg: “Well, listen, if he if he gets reelected, we deserve what we get.”

Behar: “We?!”

Goldberg: “Yes, we!”

Behar: “I’m not voting for him, don’t put me in there!”

Goldberg: “Listen, if we put him back in, if we put him, if he gets back in, we deserve what we got. Because it meant that we were not loud enough, or strong enough, or that our constitution wasn’t strong enough to keep this bozo out.”

Goldberg means that this country will deserve what it gets. I think. And to some extent, that is true.

I do have concerns about reports that more and more young people are crossing over to Trump. I have those concerns because Gen Z has never seen a functioning, working, democracy where both sides didn’t hate each other. They don’t know the danger they’re playing with.