Star Trek Actor Whoopi Goldberg Has the Most Absurd Solution to Save Bees

Whoopi Goldberg raised awareness towards the extinction of bees in the most absurd way.

ctress and activist Whoopi Goldberg has been fighting for the right cause for a long time. Recently she made headlines for drawing public attention towards the extinction of bees. Concerned about the lack of bees in Vatican City, Goldberg reportedly expressed her plans to fix it.

Whoopi GoldbergWhoopi Goldberg

After the Star Trek actress paid a visit to the holy city, to meet the Pope and attend a nearby conservation art exhibition called Changes, she learned that the Vatican isn’t home to any bees. Thereafter, Whoopi Goldberg raised awareness about the extension of bees and gave the most absurd solution to save bees.

Whoopi Goldberg Learned The Vatican City Lacks Bees

The Oscar-winning actress and activist Whoopi Goldberg recently paid a visit to The Vatican City. After waiting for 11 years, the actress finally had the opportunity to meet the Pope. But certainly, it wasn’t all she did in Rome. The actress also attended a nearby conservation art exhibition called Changes.
Whoopi GoldbergWhoopi Goldberg went to visit the Vatican City

The exhibition included images of bees and beekeepers at work, which made her ask about the presence of bees in the Vatican. “Does the Vatican have bees?” Goldberg asked as per Vatican News. But the reply stunned her, and thus, the actress began speaking about the importance of having bees.

The Vatican does not have bees? The Vatican should have bees.”

Whoopi GoldbergGoldberg was stunned to learn about the lack of bees in the Vatican
Discussing the importance of fighting the good fight, Whoopi Goldberg reflected upon the extinction of bees. Stating how bees are a vital part of the food chain and are crucial to farming, the Ghost actress stressed how the Vatican must have bees.

Having bees brings attention to the fact that bees are dying all around the planet.”

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Whoopi Goldberg’s Absurd Solution to Save Bees 

Further, during the discussion, Whoopi Goldberg proceeded to give the most absurd solution to the extinction of bees and the Vatican’s lack of species. While walking through the exhibition and contemplating a photo of beekeepers and their swarms, Goldberg gave a bizarre solution.

Maybe I should send the Pope some bees.”

Whoopi Goldberg Whoopi Goldberg wanted to send a bee hive to the Pope
Reflecting upon the photos and then thinking about the lack of bees in the Vatican, Whoopi Goldberg stated that it’s time for a change. Claiming that the photos have “a message for everyone”, the actress shared,

Each problem is an individual one in an individual place but that when we put them all together… it’s the world. It looks like it’s piecemeal but it isn’t, it’s really part of a much bigger picture.”

Whoopi Goldberg Goldberg met the Pope after waiting for 11 years
Thus, after drawing attention to the extinction of bees and stating the importance of having bees in the food chain, the actress proceeded with her day’s visit and went to meet nuns from around the world.