Travis Barker Fires Back at Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian: The Battle Begins

In a recent turn of events, musician Travis Barker has responded to statements made by reality TV star Kim Kardashian and her mother Kris Jenner. The controversy started when Jenner revealed during an interview that she wasn’t sure about Barker’s intentions with her daughter, stating that she had reservations about their relationship. Kardashian then took to social media to support her mother’s concerns and publicly expressed her thoughts on the matter.

Barker, however, is not one to stay quiet. In a recent interview, he counterattacked Jenner and Kardashian’s claims, asserting that their opinions were baseless and untrue. The musician defended his actions and stated that he has always been honest and genuine with Kardashian.

Barker also addressed the allegations made against him by Jenner, claiming that he has nothing but love and respect for her daughter. He mentioned that he has always been upfront about his intentions, and that he deeply cares for Kardashian. The musician emphasized that their relationship is built on trust and open communication, and that he would never do anything to harm their connection.


This public feud sheds light on the challenges faced by celebrities and their relationships. It also showcases the power of social media as a platform for individuals to express their opinions and perceptions. While Jenner and Kardashian have voiced their concerns, Barker has now countered with his own side of the story, leaving fans and followers with conflicting narratives to ponder.