Trolls Keep Coming, But Adam Levine’s Wife Completely Ignores Them Amid Cheating Drama

Long after Adam Levine’s cheating scandal, his wife Behati Prinsloo doesn’t seem to care what trolls have to say about her life.

Adam Levine was on top of the world in 2022. He was married to supermodel, Behati Prinsloo, the couple had two children with another on the way, Levine was a winning coach on The Voice and Maroon 5 was releasing new music and touring. It seemed like nothing would bring Levine down.

However, the life that Levine enjoyed for so long suddenly changed in September 2022. Sumner Stroh came forward alleging she had an affair with the Maroon 5 front man. This started a snowball effect of several other women coming forward also claiming to have had inappropriate communication with Levine despite him being married.

Levine addressed the accusations via social media. Just one day after Stroh and the same day that three other women admitted to an affair or flirty relationship with him, Levine stated he “did not have an affair.” However, Levine said that he “crossed a line” by having communications with these women. Levine took “full responsibility” for his “poor judgment” stating that he would never do it again. Prinsloo decided to stay with Levine after he cheated, but Levine was blasted by fans and critics alike on social media.

Despite the admission that what he did was wrong, as of 2023, social media trolls keep coming for Levine and Prinsloo completely ignores them amid the cheating drama that refuses to die down.

Behati Prinsloo Has Never Addressed Adam Levine’s Cheating On Social Media

Behati Prinsloo decided that remaining mum about Adam Levine’s cheating scandal was for the best

Since Levine has admitted to his emotional cheating, Prinsloo has never once made mention of the situation. Prinsloo has not given an interview with a print publication. Nor has she commented on social media about the situation.

Instead, Prinsloo has chosen to deal with the situation privately. The silence has not stopped those close to Prinsloo from speaking out on her behalf though. Because of this, fans have gotten an idea of how Prinsloo has fared behind the scenes since the cheating scandal broke.

Sources close to Prinsloo claimed that she was “very upset” by the fact that Levine cheated in any fashion.

Behati Prinsloo on the red carpetvia Instar

“He admitted that he went behind [Prinsloo’s] back and has been inappropriate,” a source close to Prinsloo explained. “He admitted that he acted like an idiot. She is still very upset though.”

The insider went on to say that Prinsloo is “100 percent committed to her family” and that Levine “is very understanding about her feelings.”

“He is trying his best to make things better,” the source stated about Levine. “He never wants a divorce.”

This is as close as Prinsloo has come to making any comments about Levine’s actions, which equates to nothing at all.

Fans have tried to encourage Prinsloo in the months after the scandal broke. However, because this led to negative comments about Levine and in some instances, Prinsloo as well, the Instagram posts made in the weeks after women came out of the woodwork regarding their experiences with Levine have had the comments disabled. Because of this, comments fans have left about Prinsloo and Levine have been limited.

What Fans Think Of Behati Prinsloo And Adam Levine Since His Cheating Scandal Broke

Fans have not been kind to either Behati Prinsloo or Adam Levine in the wake of the cheating scandal

In the weeks after the cheating scandal broke, Prinsloo remained mum on social media. Nothing new was posted. That changed in November 2022 when Prinsloo uploaded a series of pregnancy photos to Instagram that made fans concerned for the model.

Trolling comments from fans on Prinsloo’s Instagram abounded, so much so that the comments were not just turned off, they were eventually deleted altogether.

The first set of photos that Prinsloo posted showed her in a white tank top and a Burger King crown. The second were of Prinsloo’s pregnant belly with a My Little Pony balancing on it and then a photo of Prinsloo wearing the mask of the same My Little Pony while on her hands and knees.

Behati Prinsloo and Adam Levine in LAvia Instar

“This has to be a twisted cry for help,” one fan commented. “Are you okay?????”

Another fan stated, “I think you need to talk to someone. No one thinks this is odd?”

Others referred to the fact that Prinsloo and Levine’s baby had already faced humiliation before being born because of Levine’s text to Stroh in which he asked to use the name “Sumner” for the third baby’s name. Doing these photos of the baby bump were just adding insult to injury.

“Don’t you all think she went through enough humiliation?” a fan commented.

These comments were nothing compared to what Levine received on social media after he admitted to emotionally cheating.

In a photo that Levine posted in November 2021, fans went back to comment on the picture that showed Levine and Prinsloo sticking their tongues out at one another while walking down a hallway. The photo was captioned, “F**k ’em.”

Needless to say, the comments were not kind to Levine.

“You don’t deserve her,” one person wrote. “NEVER did.”

Another fan commented, “At the caption… apparently you did.”

“Divorce him,” a third person stated.

There were far further unkind words said to Levine. Comments of which were the exact reason why Levine began to limit or not allow comments to be posted on the few Instagram posts he made in the weeks and months after his scandal broke.

Adam Levine Has Laid Low On Social Media Since Caught Cheating On Behati Prinsloo

Adam Levine has made few social media posts since cheating in hopes of putting the scandal behind him

Since the cheating scandal broke, Levine has laid low on social media. In fact, he has only done 27 posts since September 2022. Those posts have been largely about Maroon 5 and the group’s Las Vegas residency, though there have been a couple with Levine and family.

What each post has in common, however, is that the comments for the photos have been either disabled or limited. As such, any comments that are negative in nature have been banned. This, in conjunction with Levine laying low since his cheating on Prinsloo came to light, has been the strategy that Levine has been implementing to help rebuild his image from that of a cheater to a family man.

Adam Levine on the red carpet via Instar

Levine gave an interview in December 2023 that spoke to how his frame of mind has changed since September 2022. Call it a wake-up call that he could have lost it all or, perhaps, just maturing. However, at this stage in his life, Levine finds his family to be the most important thing.

“I don’t know how you can have a better life,” Levine explained. “I’m lucky enough to do what I love professionally, but also have the greatest personal life and family I could ever ask for and having kids and a wonderful wife, and just that life that I cling so much to. I love it so much.”

Levine went on to say about his family, “It means more than my career. But at the same time, having both is just a gift. And I think you don’t appreciate s— like that until you get a little older… As the years go on, I just get sappier and more sentimental about it. I love it so d*** much.”

As Levine focuses on his career and family life, it would not be a surprise for him to continue to keep his head down. After all, this has proven to be a positive for not only his professional life but his personal life as well.