Whoopi Goldberg and Megan Rapinoe announced they were leaving the US for this reason

Amidst Rising Public Scrutiny, Icons Goldberg and Rapinoe Contemplate a Departure from America in Search of Appreciation and Respite.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023 | Chimniii Desk

Why Whoopi Goldberg Missed 'The View' Season 27 Premiere

Whoopi Goldberg, an iconic actress and talk show co-host, and Megan Rapinoe, a world-renowned football player, have announced their intention to depart the United States. What is the driving force behind this unprecedented decision? A profound sensation of disrespect and unappreciation.


While most significant decisions are made in boardrooms or at formal gatherings, this one was made over lunch at Los Angeles’s renowned ‘Eggs-travagance’ bistro. As the two celebrities sat down, observers had no idea that the meeting would spark a national dialogue about respect, scrutiny, and the emotional toll it takes.


Goldberg’s illustrious career has spanned decades, and she has been involved in her fair share of controversies, many of which originate from her forthright opinions on ‘The View.’ Rapinoe, on the other hand, was recently the subject of extensive public criticism after missing a penalty kick, an error that fans found difficult to overlook.


The two discussed, empathised, and realised that their individual experiences of public judgement and retaliation were indicative of a larger problem. “Will it always be this way?” pondered Rapinoe. “Will one error, one opinion, eclipse everything else we’ve accomplished?”


Although it is customary for celebrities to express dissatisfaction or even joke about leaving the country, this seemed unusual. By the end of their brunch, Goldberg and Rapinoe had formulated a preliminary plan: they would search for a new location, a sanctuary where accomplishments were lauded, errors were forgiven, and respect was a top priority.


They first visited Italy. Rapinoe contemplated joining the Italian women’s football league, while Goldberg, ever the artist, toyed with the notion of immersing himself in the country’s rich cinematic heritage. Despite their attraction to the undulating vineyards and ancient amphitheatres, Italy, with its complex social structure, did not appear to be the ideal fit.


The pair left Italy for New Zealand, attracted by the country’s reputation for friendliness, scenic grandeur, and a potentially less judgmental population. Whoopi investigated opportunities in the New Zealand film industry, while Rapinoe conferred with representatives of the New Zealand women’s football federation. There was an aura of optimism.


However, this journey was not solely about locating a new residence. It was a statement – a demonstration of the emotional toll that constant scrutiny can inflict. “It’s not about running away,” Goldberg clarified in a press release. “It is about locating a space where one can breathe, create, and exist without the constant fear of retaliation.”

Rapinoe’s botched penalty kick had become a symbol of this scrutiny. A stellar career characterised by World Cup victories and advocacy for equal rights appeared abruptly overshadowed by a single error. The criticism was relentless and perceptible in its weight.

Rapinoe stated in an interview with a sports magazine, “We’re human.” “We thrive on encouragement and wither in the face of endless criticism. I have devoted my all to the sport and nation. Recent events prompted me to ponder, “Where do I find balance?”

As word of their exploratory voyage spread throughout America, responses were mixed. Many began introspective conversations about the nature of celebrity, the responsibility of the public and media, and the culture of instant judgement in the era of social media, while some viewed it as an overreaction.

Petitions imploring both Goldberg and Rapinoe to reconsider began to circulate. Multiple cities organised candlelight vigils as an act of solidarity and an appeal. Talk show presenters, athletes, and actors expressed their concern, recounting their personal experiences with backlash and the resulting feelings of isolation.

Goldberg and Rapinoe’s journey continues for the time being. The search for a new homeland involves both geography and introspection and rehabilitation. Whether they choose to remain abroad or return, their decision will inevitably influence public discourse for decades.

There is no doubt that their message resonated. It is a clarion call for empathy, comprehension, and most importantly, respect. Whether or not one agrees with their method of expression, the fundamental sentiment is universal and worthy of consideration. In an era characterised by instantaneous judgements and digital animosity, it may be time to halt, reconsider, and most importantly, respect.