Whoopi Goldberg Got Upset At The Audience For Booing A Guest, But It Seems Like He Deserved It

Tim Scott proved to be a handful during his interview on The View.

The View has been a staple of daytime television for ages, and it’s had its share of interesting and controversial moments. Whether it was Whoopi Goldberg clashing with an audience member about her age, Prince’s infamous interview on the show, or the show’s comments about Mayim Bialik’s parenting, the show is no stranger to generating headlines.

Politician Tim Scott made an appearance on the show, and while the conversation alone was enough to make news, things took an awkward turn when Whoopi Goldberg needed assistance in steering the show to a commercial break.

Let’s take a look back at Tim Scott’s infamous appearance on The View, and how it all played out.

Tim Scott Was On The Opposing Side Of Joy Behar

Faith and Freedom Coalitionvia instar

Politician Tim Scott was willing to come on The View to discuss a number of things, and for many, it was a chance to tune in and get to know the senator a bit better.

His time on the show, however, would go off the rails.

Scott has previously been on the opposing side of Joy Behar, which prompted the show to bring him on in the first place.

Things initially became testy when Scott was answering a question regarding systemic racism, per Yahoo. He was interrupted while speaking, which prompted this response.

“You had your chance to ask the question. I’ve watched you on the show. You like people to be deferential and respectful, so, I’m going to do the same thing,” Scott said.

Co-host, Whoopi Goldberg tried going to commercial, but Scott wasn’t hearing it, stating that he was only getting started.

“I believe all people can see the success that I’ve had,” he continued.

Unfortunately, things wound up getting worse from this point on.

Tim Scott Caused Problems While Filming

According to Yahoo, the show was finally able to go to commercial, but this didn’t stop Scott’s longwinded responses when they returned from break, nor did it decrease any tension or arguments on set.

Once again, there was trouble getting to commercial.

Said Goldberg, “Go up and tell him. Go tell him!”

A member of the crew finally said, “We have to go to commercial. We’ll come back. You’ll stick around.”

Finally, the show returned from break, and Scott could be heard talking about how they were arguing, a point that Hostin had issues with, reminding the politician that they were having a discussion.

The conversation continued from there.

“Next, it was Navarro’s turn to ask Scott a question, and she used her time to wish the audience a “Happy Pride” ahead of requesting the politician’s response to Florida governor Ron DeSantis’ ongoing battle with Disney. The conflict was sparked by the entertainment company’s resistance to the state’s controversial “Don’t Say Gay” bill. When Scott suggested that LGBTQIA+ topics had “indoctrinated” people, the View audience began to boo,” Yahoo reported.

Goldberg took exception to the booing.

“Not here. I’m sorry, sir. Do not boo. This is The View. We accept we don’t have to believe everything people say, but you can’t boo people here, please. You cannot do it,” she said.

The Segment Finished, And The Hosts Quickly Moved On

the hosts of the viewvia instar

Soon, the conversation with Scott was over, and according to Yahoo, the hosts moved on like nothing happened.

“After Scott left, the ladies returned as if nothing happened for a merchandise segment selling artisan pretzels, grilling equipment, and socks,” the site reported.

The View is no stranger to bizarre moments, so moving on from something like this must have been far easier than when Bill O’Reilly caused multiple hosts to walk off set in 2010.

“Things got heated on The View when Fox News host Bill O’Reilly came to visit in 2010 to promote his latest book. The hosts were discussing plans to build a Muslim community centre near site of the former World Trade Centre towers and it wasn’t long before Bill “We’ll do it live” O’Reilly got real racisty declaring “Muslims killed us on 9/11.”

The show then devolved into a heated shouting match with Whoopi declaring, “that is such bullshit,” before she and Joy stormed off the stage,” 29 Secrets wrote of the incident.

There was also the time Joy Behar and Megan McCain went at it, which caused problems for McCain.

“I started hysterically crying…I went to my office and I vomited and I called my brother…and he said eff these people it’s not worth it, it’s no longer worth it and that was it. I didn’t feel supported when I had my baby and I didn’t feel supported coming back and that was ultimately it,” she said about the incident.

Tim Scott made one heck of an appearance on the show, but bringing him back might not be the best idea.