Whoopi Goldberg slams Fox News’ Jesse Watters for calling VP Harris ‘frightened by his crazy appearance on The View and calling him ”cute”

Vice President Kamala Harris‘ appearance on The View this week was panned by Fox News hosts across the network’s line up, which drew the ire of Whoopi Goldberg who came to her defense.

On Thursday, Goldberg lashed out at the right-wing media figures calling them ‘the snowflakiest people I’ve ever seen.’

During the interview on Goldberg’s The View on Wednesday, Harris told the ladies of the talk show she is ‘scared as heck‘ of a second Trump presidency.

That led Fox News anchors, including prime time’s Jesse Watters, Dana Perino and Lawrence Jones to lay into the VP for being ‘afraid’ of her opponent.

In a compilation of the criticism shown on The View, Watters wonders aloud if Harris – who is famously not great in an interview – ‘prepared’ at all for her daytime hit.

Several Fox News hosts, including Jesse Watters, questioned Kamala Harris' answer on the View including saying she was afraid of another Trump presidency

Several Fox News hosts, including Jesse Watters, questioned Kamala Harris’ answer on the View including saying she was afraid of another Trump presidency

Whoopi Goldberg came to the VP's defense on Thursday calling the Fox host 'the snowflakiest people' she's ever seen

Whoopi Goldberg came to the VP’s defense on Thursday calling the Fox host ‘the snowflakiest people’ she’s ever seen

Perino chastised the second-in-command for her lack of confidence during the election cycle. Jones questioned exactly what it is that Harris is afraid of.

That led to Goldberg’s response the next day.

‘You don’t know what she’s scared of? … You haven’t been listening to what this man has said he’s going to do one day one, how he’s treated women?’ Goldberg questioned.

‘What do you mean, “What are you scared of?”‘ she said, referencing the fact that Roe v. Wade was overturned by a conservative Supreme Court appointed largely by Trump.

Another of the show’s longtime co-hosts, Joy Behar, attempted to explain Harris’s comments a little more generously.

‘Kamala, basically she’s not personally scared. She’s scared for the country because the country will have a problem if he is in office. And he also will go after his enemies. Hello?’ she said.

Sonny Hostin, known among the fierce competition on the show for being hostile toward Republicans, made the case that Harris’ comments could be interpreted as an argument about the fragility of our democracy.

‘We’re a very young country. And that experiment can fail in the hands of a dictator. We’ve seen it happen in history. There have been great nations that no longer exist because of someone like a Donald Trump.

‘And so I want the second most powerful person in the world, who happens to be a woman, (to) tell me, “Be very, very afraid,”‘ she said

Following her softball interview with the daytime ladies of ABC, VP Kamala Harris was mocked by the Fox News lineup

Following her softball interview with the daytime ladies of ABC, VP Kamala Harris was mocked by the Fox News lineup

Kamala Harris is ‘scared as heck’ of Trump re-election on ‘The View.

In a friendly, 45-minute interview, where Harris was given multiple opportunities  to tout the work of President Joe Biden‘s administration and slam Republicans for having ‘nothing to run on.’ She also defended Biden’s age and talked about being scared of the ‘crazies.’

Joy Behar asked the vice president about comments Michelle Obama made, stating she was terrified of the outcome of the 2024 election. Behar asked her what she and Biden are ‘going to do to stop the crazies.’

‘I am scared as heck,’ Harris replied.

‘There is an old saying that there are only two ways to run for office, either without an opponent or scared,’ the vice president continued.

‘So on all of those points, yes, we should all be scared, but as we know and, certainly, this is a table of very powerful women, we don’t run away from something when we’re scared. We fight back against it.’

Harris was given a warm welcome when she walked out on the ABC soundstage in New York for the interview. Each of the five co-hosts gave her a hug.

In addition to touting the administration’s accomplishments, Harris defended Biden’s age. At 81, he is the oldest president even elected in American history. If he wins a second term, he would be 86 at its completion.

Harris described the president as ‘forward thinking.’

‘Let me just address the issue directly. I spend a lot of time with our president, be it in the Oval Office, the Situation Room. We have a president in Joe Biden who is forward thinking in a way that we’ve not seen in a long time,’ she said.

Harris said she is 'scared' of another Trump term. The former president will likely be her competitor next fall - he won the Iowa caucus by 30 points on Monday

Harris said she is ‘scared’ of another Trump term. The former president will likely be her competitor next fall – he won the Iowa caucus by 30 points on Monday

Harris and President Joe Biden at a White House event in October

Harris and President Joe Biden at a White House event in October

Harris also used the air time to bash Republicans. She specifically pointed to Biden’s infrastructure plan and noted many GOP lawmakers are taking credit for projects coming to their districts.

She claimed they are doing it because they have nothing to run on and that Republicans are using issues like immigration and Biden’s age to divide the country and distract ‘from the real issues.’

‘Why are they doing it,’ she said. ‘Because they have nothing to run on. They have nothing to run on. Where is the plan? Right, and so that’s what’s happening and I think that it is sadly there is a push from so many people in that lane to try to divide our country and distract from the real issues.’

Trump leads Biden by one point in the RealClearPolitics polling average of the 2024 presidential election.

And a CBS News/YouGov poll on Monday found that Trump, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis each beat Biden in a head-to-head match-up on the 2024 general election.

While Trump leads in the GOP primary poll, Haley fared the best against Biden.  Haley had an 8-point lead over Biden — 53 percent support to 45 percent, showing strong support from moderates and independents.

Trump won the Iowa caucuses on Monday night with a record-breaking 30-point victory. He finished with 51 per cent of the vote, far ahead of DeSantis with 21 per cent, Haley’s 19 per cent and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy‘s 8 per cent, who dropped out of the race on Monday night.

Some experts are already predicting Trump could have the Republican presidential nomination effectively sewn up by March, which would be one of the earliest starts of a general election campaign.