Yoga Instructor of Adam Levine has confessed that the singer has inappropriately behaved with her and more than that

Alanna Zabel, the yoga instructor of Adam Levine has confessed that the singer has inappropriately behaved with her and sent flirtatious texts to her.

Adam Levine, the maroon 5 singer has been accused of sending flirtatious texts to his yoga instructor. This incident happened a year ago and now the instructor has confessed everything. The 49-year-old yoga instructor Alanna Zabel didn’t confront it before, but now she is bringing it in front of everyone. She said that the singer has treated her like ‘used trash’, which is unacceptable.

She has said ‘This isn’t about a love affair or a salacious text; it’s about being a decent human being… Friends don’t treat each other like used trash, and that’s how he treated me’. She worked with him from 2007 to 2010 and in this period of time she has received texts like ‘to spend the day with you naked’.

This kind of behavior from the artist has caused a lot of trouble. Even her boyfriend has broken her wrist after seeing the texts. She stated that ‘[Levine] knew what I was going through with my then-boyfriend who became abusive, and instead of responding to my text, he simply cut me off’.

Before this, she didn’t have the courage to talk about all these things in front of the media because she didn’t want any kind of ‘fifteen minutes of fame’. Now that everyone is sharing their experience working with Adam Levine and that is why she also shared her incidents of working with him.

She publicly said that ‘When I found out that Adam had asked this influencer if he could name his baby after her, I saw him in a completely different light and decided it was finally time to share this… If I wanted my fifteen minutes of fame, I would have gone public with this a very long time ago’.

The instructor has said ‘Harboring this pain for as long as I have has taken a lot of valuable energy to hold onto, and in order to heal we need to let them go’. She has commented on the fact by uttering that ‘Don’t treat women like they are disposable, or that their value is solely based on their looks, and for God’s sake please be a role model for your young girls. Children learn by what they see far more than what they’re told’.

Five women have confessed the inappropriate situations with the artist, which has shocked all of her fans.