A male security guard lost his job because he took a photo with Taylor Swift

The male security guard’s sharing during Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour surprised many people.



Not long ago, the name Calvin Decker suddenly became famous on social networks and received great attention from the Taylor Swift fan community when this guy revealed that he applied to work as a security guard for The Eras. The singer’s tour to hear Taylor Swift sing without spending money on tickets, and even being paid well.

Một nam bảo vệ bị mất việc vì chụp ảnh cùng Taylor Swift Ảnh 1

In particular, once working as a security guard for this show, Calvin Decker filmed the moment he enthusiastically sang along to the song Cruel Summer with Taylor Swift while working, making social networks excited. Calvin Decker is a longtime fan of Taylor Swift and by working as a security guard, he was able to meet his idol at close range, making many people jealous.Một nam bảo vệ bị mất việc vì chụp ảnh cùng Taylor Swift Ảnh 2

However, recently, Calvin Decker attracted a lot of attention when sharing that he lost his job at security company Best Crowd Management. Calvin Decker said the reason he lost his job was because the company discovered that he asked another fan to take a photo of him with Taylor Swift while the singer was performing.


Calvin Decker shared on social media: “The human resources staff could not explain to me the reason why I was fired, because I basically did nothing other than ask an audience member to take a photo. help. I see that at every concert.” It is known that the security company has a rule that employees cannot take photos with performing artists.


This male security guard also confirmed that all the photos the company saw were taken with another fan’s phone, not Calvin Decker’s. The guy said that during the time The Eras Tour took place, Calvin Decker never took out his phone and still did his duty as a security guard, that’s why he felt that the reason the company Giving yourself up to quit your job is not really satisfactory.

Một nam bảo vệ bị mất việc vì chụp ảnh cùng Taylor Swift Ảnh 4 After sharing from Calvin Decker, he and the security company had a conversation. The company hopes that Calvin Decker will not make any more videos sharing about the above story to avoid the incident being pushed. too far. At the same time, the company is also ready to give Calvin Decker a second chance to work here.