Before Taylor Swift’s concert in Singapore: A big fan boasted that she had saved nearly 3 million thanks to her credit card!

Thu Phuong has been preparing for a trip to Singapore to meet her “beloved sister” Taylor Swift from August 2023.

These days, the Vietnamese Swifties community (Taylor Swift’s fanclub) certainly cannot sit still, because in less than a week, the live show The Eras Tour in Singapore of the “country music princess” will officially take place. take place.

People who have never been to an idol tour will probably think that going abroad to meet an idol is very expensive. However, in reality that is not necessarily the case.

Being a big fan of Taylor Swift for more than a decade, Thu Phuong (29 years old, Hanoi) affirmed: “I spent less than 12 million VND to book plane tickets, hotel rooms and even buy tickets to see Taylor’s show. Swift. It’s actually cheaper than many people’s domestic travel costs!”.

Trước thềm liveshow của Taylor Swift ở Singapore: Một fan ruột khoe chưa đi đã tiết kiệm được gần 3 triệu nhờ thẻ tín dụng! - Ảnh 1.

Thu Phuong (Photo: NVCC)

Even though the idol’s music night only took place in one evening, Thu Phuong and her friend still decided to book a hotel room for 3 days and 2 nights to conveniently visit and explore the Lion Island’s cuisine. This is also Thu Phuong’s first time coming to Singapore.

The total cost of show tickets, hotel costs, and airfare is less than 12 million VND. How did Thu Phuong save maximum costs on this trip, is the question we asked. And Thu Phuong’s answer was just one sentence: “I use a credit card.”

1 – Save 1.8 million VND on hotel bookings

Thu Phuong said she booked tickets to see The Eras Tour show in Singapore from July 2023. Planning to “go to Singapore to meet Taylor” begins around August 2023.

Trước thềm liveshow của Taylor Swift ở Singapore: Một fan ruột khoe chưa đi đã tiết kiệm được gần 3 triệu nhờ thẻ tín dụng! - Ảnh 2.

Thu Phuong booked tickets to see The Eras Tour show in Singapore from July 2023 (Photo: NVCC)

“I used the MB Visa Infinite credit card to book a hotel room for 3 days and 2 nights, from March 3, 2024 to March 5, 2024 and received a 30% discount, about 1.8 million VND. This card has Discount feature when booking rooms at hotels affiliated with banks. I also had to spend about 2 days checking the rooms to see which room had the biggest discount and the price after the discount was still within my ability to pay. , then we finalize” – Thu Phuong shared.

She also added that when paying for hotel reservations with this credit card, there were hotels with discounts of up to 50%, but the price after the discount was still a bit high compared to Phuong and her friend’s budget, so in the end she chose Mid-range hotel with a 30% discount on room rates when using MB Visa Infinite credit card.


2 – Save 800k on airfare

To book a round-trip ticket for her trip to Singapore, Thu Phuong used a VIB Super Card credit card.

“This card does not have a discount code, it cannot be deducted directly from the amount I have to pay like the MB Visa Infinite card, but in return, I was refunded about 800k and a few thousand of the ticket fee” – Thu Phuong said and said. Add a VIB Super Card credit card with the feature of selecting spending categories.

She ticked the “Travel” category in the hope of receiving a 15% refund for her sewing machine ticket booking, but in reality, the refund amount was not up to 15%.

VIB Super Card credit card allows users to flexibly choose spending categories

3. No foreign currency conversion fees when trading abroad

Thu Phuong plans to use the MB Visa Infinite credit card to pay for travel and food expenses for 3 days and 2 nights in Singapore. The reason why Thu Phuong prioritizes using the MB Visa Infinite card is because this card is free of foreign currency conversion fees.

“I still have to exchange some cash to prevent unforeseen situations, but if something unfortunate happens, I will swipe my MB credit card to pay it all because it’s convenient, in any case, I won’t have to pay the foreign currency conversion fee.” that” – Thu Phuong shared.

Trước thềm liveshow của Taylor Swift ở Singapore: Một fan ruột khoe chưa đi đã tiết kiệm được gần 3 triệu nhờ thẻ tín dụng! - Ảnh 4.

MB Visa Infinite credit card

With such a methodical plan, Taylor Swift’s longtime fan affirms that traveling with her idol is not as expensive as people think: “If I have a little money, I’ll book a ticket far from the stage, a plane ticket or a hotel room.” They’re all cheap. Then if you don’t do much shopping there, it won’t be too expensive.”

Finally, she also added that she has used the two credit cards mentioned above for more than 2 years and is somewhat “in love” with the MB Visa Infinite card more.

“The VIB Super Card is very picky about where it is swiped. When I go to the supermarket or eat out, there are places where they do not accept payments with the VIB Super Card because the POS machine is not compatible or something, but the MB Visa Infinite card is It’s easier to swipe. I don’t understand these issues very well, so whichever one is more convenient, I’ll just use it more” – Thu Phuong confided.