Beyoncé Knowles: The best-earning female artist in the world

According to Forbes magazine, Beyoncé Knowles was chosen as the highest paid female singer in the world in 2014 with an income of more than 115 million USD. This number is also really impressive for Beyoncé because it is double her 2013 income.




Forbes magazine lists the best-earning stars in the world’s music industry based on a review of record sales, success of live shows, advertising revenue…

Beyoncé’s 2014 income came mainly from revenue from the 33-year-old singer’s world tour. Beyonce performed 95 shows in the last 6 months of the year and “pocketed” an average of 2.4 million USD per night.

Beyoncé và chồng - Jay Z

Beyoncé and her husband – Jay Z


Beyoncé và chồng - Jay Z
Beyoncé Knowles is the female singer who tops the list of the 10 best-earning stars in the world’s entertainment industry voted by Forbes.



The black star also released a new album last December and signed many advertising contracts representing major brands. Last year, Beyoncé was only ranked 4th on Forbes’ list of the world’s best-earning singers, but this year, she surpassed her “junior” Taylor Swift (24 years old).


In 2009, Beyoncé told Forbes: “Like everyone, I work very hard and want to get better and better. And I also want my colleagues to do the same. What makes me feel comfortable is to practice and understand that I am always ready to take on new challenges.”


“Country music princess” Taylor Swift earned $64 million in the past 12 months but dropped one place from number one to number two on Forbes magazine’s list.


“Country music princess” Taylor Swift earned $64 million in the past 12 months but dropped one place from number one to number two on Forbes magazine’s list.