Even Taylor Swift was urged to get married

Fans are eagerly waiting for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s fairytale wedding. However, according to experts, this expectation is only causing the couple more pressure and fatigue.


The pressure to get married can make famous couples tired. Photo: Today Show.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce only started dating in the summer of 2023, but rumors about when the couple will get married are receiving a lot of attention.

Rumors “overwhelmed” the media and social networks even more when Travis Kelce prepared to win the Super Bowl. Some fans hope this male player will propose to Taylor Swift as soon as he wins the championship, according to CNN.

So why is the public in such a hurry to see Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce get married?

The relationship between fans and Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift isn’t the only celebrity dealing with “impatient” fans helping her get married. The fact that both she and her boyfriend are 34 years old and have never been engaged or married before makes fans even more impatient.

“Fans always idealize marriage and want the best for celebrities. They feel entitled to know detailed information about their idols’ lives, receive scoops, and see dating photos. And marriage is the next request they set for Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce,” Kate Kurtin, professor of communication studies at California State University in Los Angeles (USA), shared.


Taylor Swift is not afraid to show her affection for her boyfriend in public. Photo: Today Show.

When celebrities break up, especially Taylor Swift, fans tend to be disappointed.

This often happens to people who have a parasocial relationship. Professor Kurtin, who has researched this phenomenon, said it is a one-sided relationship with a famous person, not a friendship, but they can feel extremely connected.

Fans who tend to have parasocial relationships often invest more in their relationships with their idols than regular fans. They closely monitor and continuously update their idol’s posts, images and videos.

“They are happy for her, similar to the way they are happy for their friends when someone finds true happiness,” Kurtin explained further.

Marital pressure

Katherine Sloan, a licensed mental health counselor in Asheville (North Carolina, USA), estimates that this famous couple is still in the “honeymoon phase” of their relationship, when they still look at each other. through a rose-colored lens.

According to Sloan, during the early stages of a happy relationship, the brain receives large amounts of neurotransmitters that create pleasure responses, such as dopamine and oxytocin.

“We don’t see the ‘red flags,’ we just feel excited when we know we’re in love with someone,” Sloan added.

The constant questions about marriage can put pressure on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Photo: CNN

Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, the eras tour, Taylor Swift ket hon anh 2


The constant questions about marriage can put pressure on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. Photo: CNN

Along with that, this expert said that important things, such as getting married and choosing when to have children, are not decisions that are made quickly and lightly. However, the pressure increased after the couple turned 30.

“Travis Kelce used to answer questions about marriage in front of the media with poise, but it is more difficult for him when these questions come from family and friends. Furthermore, the pressure of marriage can make couples tired,” Sloan said.


According to mental health counselors, the best way to handle invasive questions is to set clear boundaries about what topics are allowed to be discussed and what topics are best avoided.

“We can be clear with each other about what conversations are and are not allowed. In addition, we can frankly tell our family and friends that we feel pressured and need time to figure it out.” decide whether you are truly compatible with your other half or not before considering further matters,” Sloan advised.

The most important thing is still good communication between two people in the relationship, from which together we can determine and find ways to answer questions in the future.

Although fans are looking forward to this couple’s “fairy tale wedding”, experts confirm that only Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce can discuss issues related to marriage.

“I understand people are just focusing on her, because we’ve been following Taylor Swift for a long time, understand how difficult it is for her to have relationships, and most importantly we want our idols have happiness. Fans hope Travis Kelce will be that person, but everything is still uncertain,” Sloan said.

According to experts, marriage issues should be discussed by the couple themselves instead of us. Photo: Vanity Fair.


Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce, the eras tour, Taylor Swift ket hon anh 3

According to experts, marriage issues should be discussed by the couple themselves instead of us. Photo: Vanity Fair.