Famous black singer Beyonce raises funds to protect the environment

Black singer Beyonce will cooperate with charity funds in the upcoming tour called “Formation” to raise funds to support the recovery of damage caused by polluted water sources in the city of Flin.

Nữ ca sỹ da màu nổi tiếng Beyonce gây quỹ bảo vệ môi trường ảnh 1

Singer Beyoncé. (Source: AFP)

On April 20, famous black singer Beyonce announced that she would cooperate with charity funds in the upcoming tour called “Formation” to raise funds to support the recovery of damage caused by water shortages. Lead pollution in Flin city, Michigan, USA.

To accomplish this purpose, singer Beyonce called on fans through the CrowdRise website to support the United Way charity fund, the largest charity group in the US headquartered in Flint.

Participants in this program will enjoy many incentives, including the opportunity to win VIP music tickets in the lottery, or upgrade tickets by logging into the website of Beyonce’s performances.


Beneficiary organizations in this charity program include Global Citizen and Chime for Change.

Global Citizen aims to end extreme poverty and often holds charity concerts in New York’s Central Park, while Chime for Change, an organization founded by fashion designer Gucci , whose mission is to promote the participation of women and girls.

In addition, the R&B queen also plans to organize charity programs on the sidelines of the “Formation” tour in her hometown of Houston, Compton city, California and Detroit.


At these tours, Beyonce will raise funds to support those affected by water pollution in the Flint neighborhood.

The city of Flint’s water supply system began being contaminated with lead in early 2014 after the city switched its water input from Lake Huron to the Flint River while waiting for a project to build a new pipeline to the lake to be completed. However, highly corrosive water dissolved lead from old pipes and polluted the water source.

It is estimated that more than 8,000 children from low-income families, mostly African Americans, drank water with alarmingly high levels of lead. This caused a wave of anger in public opinion when the Michigan state government did not resolve it promptly.


Earlier this year, the US Government had to declare a state of emergency in Michigan due to seriously polluted water sources./.