Former First Lady Michelle Obama also had to praise Beyoncé’s new album

It seems like everyone loves Beyoncé’s new album, but that’s not unusual when it comes to her. Cowboy Carter has received rave reviews from critics all around the world, who praise her inventive look at country music and her historical references. The full-length has also received a round of applause from one very powerful source: a former First Lady of the United States.
Michelle Obama Dishes Out High Praise For Beyonce's New Album "COWBOY CARTER"

Michelle Obama took to Instagram to compliment Beyoncé on her latest project, gushing about the set. “@Beyonce, you are a record-breaker and history-maker,” the wife of former president Barack Obama started her caption, which accompanied the album’s cover image. She added, “With Cowboy Carter, you have changed the game once again by helping redefine a music genre and transform our culture. I am so proud of you!”

Beyoncé Said Cowboy Carter Album Inspired By Not Feeling Welcomed In Country Music

Obama then used the album as a launch point to talk about more serious topics, ones which she connected back to the latest from the singer. “Cowboy Carter is a reminder that despite everything we’ve been through to be heard, seen, and recognized, we can still dance, sing, and be who we are unapologetically,” the former First Lady stated. She also said that “This album reminds us that we ALL have power.”

The political spouse and author then focused her comments on the upcoming presidential election. “Together, we can stand up for what we believe in, and we must do that at the ballot box this year,” Obama wrote. She then referenced Beyoncé again, just to make sure people kept reading. “And as Queen Bey says at the end of Ya Ya, we need to ‘keep the faith’ and ‘VOTE!’”

Beyoncé and Obama have been friendly toward one another in the past. The singer performed at the inauguration of President Obama, singing Etta James’ “At Last,” which was, of course, a reference to the fact that he was the first Black president in American history. The singer also appeared with the First Lady at the Global Citizen music festival.

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Cowboy Carter has been recognized as an immediate classic in Beyoncé’s discography. The set has been receiving highly positive comments from pretty much every publication that still reviews music, and fans seem to be loving the project as well.

The newly-released Cowboy Carter is headed for a No. 1 debut on the Billboard 200 in a few days. A number of the tracks featured on the set–if not all of them–will also reach the Hot 100, helping Beyoncé up her career total significantly.