John Legend and his wife painfully shared the story of their little angel passing away right in the womb, a story that made everyone sad

Even though doctors tried their best to treat him, John Legend and his wife’s child still could not survive.

On her personal page recently, the wife of singer John Legend – supermodel Chrissy Teigen shared that the third child between her and her husband died in the womb.

Specifically, Chrissy Teigen wrote: “We were extremely stunned and in pain, a pain we had never experienced. We were unable to stop the bleeding and give our baby what he had given us.” needed, even though many bags of blood were transfused. It was simply not enough.”

The supermodel added: “We never decided on names for our children before until they were born, before we left the hospital. But for some reason, we started We first called him Jack when he was still in the womb. So to us, he will always be Jack. Jack has tried so hard to be a part of this little family, and he will always be. forever part of the family.”

Vợ chồng John Legend đau đớn chia sẻ chuyện thiên thần nhỏ qua đời ngay trong bụng mẹ, câu chuyện khiến ai cũng xót xa - Ảnh 2.

“To Jack – I’m sorry that in those first moments you had to endure so many hardships, that we couldn’t give you what you needed to survive. We will always love you. Thank you all everyone for giving us positive energy, sharing and praying. We feel the love and truly appreciate everyone,” Chrissy Teigen confided.

Vợ chồng John Legend đau đớn chia sẻ chuyện thiên thần nhỏ qua đời ngay trong bụng mẹ, câu chuyện khiến ai cũng xót xa - Ảnh 3.

Vợ chồng John Legend đau đớn chia sẻ chuyện thiên thần nhỏ qua đời ngay trong bụng mẹ, câu chuyện khiến ai cũng xót xa - Ảnh 4.

Singer John Legend’s wife also did not forget to send a message: “We are grateful for the life we have, for our two children Luna and Miles, and for the wonderful things we have experienced. But that is not the case. Every day is filled with joy. In these darkest moments, we will be sad, we will cry our eyes out. But then we will hug each other and love each other more, and we will get through this. “.

John Legend and Chrissy Teigen married in 2008 after two years of dating. The famous Hollywood couple has two children together, one 4 years old and one 2 years old.