John Legend earned himself an unlikely new fan while visiting The Drew Barrymore Show

The lizard of the hour was ushered out onstage on a teeny piano covered in flower petals.

John Legend earned himself an unlikely new fan while visiting The Drew Barrymore Show on Friday.

The Grammy-winning singer serenaded host Drew Barrymore’s pet bearded dragon with a personalized rendition of his 2013 single “All of Me” that was so good it made Barrymore collapse to the ground.

Legend and Barrymore got on the topic of bearded dragons because they’re both proud owners of their own adorable little lizards — Legend’s is named Sebastian, while Barrymore’s is named Jeremy.

John Legend Serenades Drew's Bearded Dragon, Jeremy

The one and only Jeremy. THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW

“I was wondering, do you ever serenade Sebastian?” Barrymore asked. When Legend admitted that he hadn’t yet, she continued, “Is there any chance if I brought Jeremy out here that you would serenade Jeremy?”

Sure enough, after the commercial break, the one and only Jeremy was ushered onstage on top of a teeny tiny piano covered in flower petals. “I can’t even believe this is about to happen. There are days of your life where you think, ‘This is as good as it’s going to get,'” Barrymore said. “And I know it’s that for Jeremy.”

“Look at this beautiful romantic piano we’ve got set up here. This is very sexy,” Legend joked. “Jeremy’s naked on the piano.” Barrymore added that the reptile was totally “doing his or her best Burt Reynolds.”

Drew Barrymore collapses after John Legend serenades her pet bearded dragon

Drew Barrymore collapses after John Legend serenades her pet bearded dragon. THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW

Then, to the tune of “All of Me,” Legend sang, “Jeremy / Oh Jeremy / Love your curves and all your edges / all your perfect imperfections / Jeremy / Don’t poop on me / You’re my end and my beginning / You don’t poop on me, I’m winning / Oh Jeremy.”

While Jeremy remained unfazed by Legend’s spectacular singing skills, Barrymore couldn’t contain her overwhelming excitement and immediately threw herself onto the floor after the performance. She then turned her head to the camera to show off her amazed expression.

Same, Drew, same


Barrymore then stood up and turned toward her lizard to make sure that Jeremy fully understood the great privilege that had just been bestowed upon them, telling the little reptile, “Jeremy, you know this is as good as it’s ever gonna get?” Turning to Legend, she continued, “Seriously, thank you!”

He laughed. “It’s an honor.”

Watch Legend sing to Jeremy in the clip above.