Public opinion reacts to article speculating on Taylor Swift’s gender

A controversial article published in the New York Times last week openly speculated ‘whether Taylor Swift is gay’, making many people angry, according to CNN.



One person, who requested anonymity, told CNN: “Because of Taylor Swift’s huge success at this time, there was that article. There seems to be no line that some journalists won’t cross when writing about Taylor Swift , regardless of whether it invades privacy, is untrue and inappropriate. All are covered up with readers’ ‘opinions’.”

Dư luận phản ứng bài báo suy đoán giới tính Taylor Swift trên tờ New York Times- Ảnh 1.

The New York Times published an editorial suggesting that Taylor Swift may be gay, angering her fans





Taylor Swift has advocated for the LGBTQ community amid a record number of anti-gay bills being introduced across the US, calling her concerts “safe spaces” for LGBTQ people. However, she has denied being a member of the LGBTQ community. In a 2019 interview with Vogue magazine, Taylor Swift said she simply wanted to be a “good ally to the LGBTQ community when their rights are under attack.”


The singer continued: “Basically, the rights of everyone who isn’t a cisgender white male are being taken away. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I could advocate for a community that I don’t belong”.

It is highly unusual for a newspaper as prestigious as the New York Times to publish an article speculating about a person’s sexuality, let alone a figure of such cultural influence. Such articles were widely considered inappropriate, and the New York Times received some criticism from readers for its decision to publish the article.

Country singer Chely Wright , who came out as gay in 2010, called a New York Times article speculating about Taylor Swift’s sexuality “hysterical” and “terrible,” according to Hollywood Reporter.

Taylor Swift fans rage at the New York Times after an editorial questioned her sexuality. The article generated backlash on social media.

Dư luận phản ứng bài báo suy đoán giới tính Taylor Swift trên tờ New York Times- Ảnh 2.
Taylor Swift often appears with famous female friends at studio album release sessions



“This article is sexist and extremely inappropriate,” one person posted on social network X. “They threw morality out the window at the beginning of the year,” another commented.

“The article is a serious affront to privacy: poor writing, horribly invasive, and objectionable in countless ways. It is upsetting and strange that the New York Times would publish a speculative article about someone’s gender,” another person commented.

One reader revealed: “I’m not a big fan of hers but I’m absolutely disgusted by this and will be canceling my subscription to the New York Times tomorrow morning.”


Representatives for Taylor Swift and the New York Times have not responded to requests for comment on the case.