Selena Gomez posted bikini photos comparing her body after 10 years

31-year-old singer and actress Selena Gomez posted two photos showing her body changing over time and said she loves herself whether thin or fat.

Selena Gomez chia sẻ thông điệp tích cực về cơ thể khi đăng ảnh ngày ấy - bây giờ.

Selena Gomez shares a positive message about her body when posting “then – now” photos.

On Instagram Story on January 23, Selena posted bikini photos from then and now. In a paparazzi photo taken on a Florida beach in 2013, Selena has a slim figure and a flat stomach. “Now I realize I will never look like this again,” she captioned it.

The second photo of the Slow Down singer was taken during a vacation in Mexico in 2023. Selena comfortably shows off her round and curvy body. She wrote: “I’m not perfect but I’m proud to be myself. Sometimes I forget that it’s great to be myself.”

Selena Gomez rạng rỡ ở lễ trao giải Quả cầu vàng 2024. Ảnh: Instagram
Selena Gomez shines at the 2024 Golden Globe Awards. Photo: Instagram

Selena Gomez has repeatedly shared positive messages about her body. She reminded fans to love themselves and their imperfections. The former Disney star also regularly urges people not to body shame or write malicious comments about other people’s appearance.

Selena herself was ridiculed by many people when she gained weight. She has spoken up about this many times and once said she doesn’t care much about negative comments. However, in an interview with Apple TV+ last year, Selena admitted that she once “cried her eyes out” when she was criticized. “I lied. When I posted a photo of myself online and said I didn’t care what people commented, I was actually in my room crying my eyes out. No one deserves to hear things like that “, she said.


Previously, Selena explained that her body was abnormally thin and fat due to side effects of Lupus medication. Selena has been treated for the autoimmune disease Lupus erythematosus for many years and she had to have a kidney transplant in 2017. Regularly taking medication causes her to retain fluid, but this is nothing compared to ensuring her health.

“I’m not a model and I never want to be a model,” Selena said. “I just want to speak out and encourage anyone who feels ashamed of what they are going through. I hope you know that you are beautiful and amazing.”