Selena Gomez – The Young Artist’s Journey Overcoming the Serious Disease of Contemporary Youth, Called “Depression”

Surely among young people today, no one knows Selena Gomez, a young, beautiful and talented female singer. In the midst of a forest of thousands of purple and pink flowers, she will surely be the most brilliant and fresh flower. She always takes up all the glory, all the spotlight, step by step blossoming her career with a soul full of vitality. She is a person who already has a firm grip on money, status and fame. But, can anyone see that behind every radiant smile in the spotlight is the shadow of a small, weak girl who has struggled with the serious illness of modern society? – depression and anxiety?

Childhood is full of misfortune

Selena Gomez was born and raised in Texas, USA. Her mother, Amanda, was once an actress and her husband is Mexican. Selena’s childhood was not filled with happiness like that of many other children. Her parents separated when she was just 5 years old, and she and her mother moved to Los Angeles to earn a living. A single mother raised her children alone in an extremely difficult situation. At that time, they were very poor, extremely poor. She used to have to work 3 jobs at the same time to have enough money to pay for food and shelter.



Little Selena was extremely disappointed that day because her parents divorced. For her, this was a great misfortune. Selena shared: “I’m scared every time I think about who I will be after I grow up if my mother and I continue to live in Texas.”

Selena once saw her mother cleaning the stage – this was also the moment her love for the film industry began to blossom, the fire of passion immediately burned fiercely.


Disaster strikes at the peak of fame

The first opportunity that came to her was in 2002, when she received a role in the television series “Barney and Friends”. Since then, she has been known to a large audience, and many directors have kept an eye on her. She received countless new roles. Later, she again fell in love with the music field. She is truly a talented girl, but the factor that has helped her be respected and admired by many people is her spirit of hard work. She has shared many times that it is her belief and positive attitude that have helped her grasp many opportunities as well as how to take advantage of them wisely.

At just the age of 24, Selena is already at the peak of glory, she is one of the most prestigious pop stars in the world, one of the celebrities with the most followers on Instagram – 113 million followers. But can anyone see through that she was just a small, weak girl who had to struggle with the serious diseases of contemporary youth – depression and anxiety? She decided to open up to the media and fans around the world about her mental health situation, she chose to face it with all the courage of a soul full of life.

In 2015, Selena was diagnosed with Lupus – an immune system disease and she had to postpone her tour to attend therapy. Lupus will affect the white blood cells in our body, causing them to deviate from their normal operating trajectory. At the same time, this evil disease also causes the immune system to “react” – attack the human body. disease, or in other words, if infected with this disease, the patient is like having one foot in death’s door. Lupus caused many complications, forcing her to undergo a kidney transplant surgery. However, the surgery process was extremely complicated, her body could not tolerate the new kidney, causing the artery to rupture. She was transferred to the emergency department to have her artery reconstructed from the blood vessels in her calf. Her health situation became so serious that the medical team thought it was a miracle when they saw her safely keeping her life on the operating table.


After experiencing this terrible event, she decided to share with the world about the long process of struggling with depression and anxiety. Sometimes, she also suffers from extreme anxiety attacks before or after she goes on a tour. Selena shared: “Depression has haunted my life for 5 years. Extreme pressure and anxiety are exactly what I feel every time I start doing some work. Everything is the same. I forced myself to be brave to keep moving forward.”

She once attended therapy at a facility that treats psychological problems. 90 days for her felt like years, especially when she had to undergo high-intensity treatment. She had to undergo psychotherapy – Dialectical behavior therapy, the focus of this therapy is learning to accept and be mindful. Selena also had to cooperate with doctors to change her negative behaviors. Since then, her mental health has improved for the better. Even though she is a powerful and famous shining star, Selena is not immune to both physical and mental diseases, she is just like many other young girls. She shared: “DBT therapy has completely changed my life, I wish more people would know about it. We are girls, life teaches us to be resilient, to be strong and attractive, to be cool and live peacefully, but, we also need the right to suffer.

Especially depression, this disease has no “discrimination”, no one can escape its clutches. Currently, Selena still maintains an appointment with her psychologist 5 days a week.

Selena once shared that she adopted 6 dogs because since she was a child, she had to grow up in an environment with many abandoned animals, and at that time, she was heartless and helpless. She felt like this was her duty, sharing her home with those little animals – it was also a way to help her fight her mental illness.

Besides, in order to recover her mental health, Selena decided to quit social networks for a period of time. Constantly posting perfect photos can have a negative impact on a person’s mental health – specifically causing anxiety, extreme pressure, and feelings of low self-esteem. She once shared with Vogue magazine: “Instagram has dominated my life a lot. This app is the first thing I think about when I wake up or end my day. I used to be so addicted to Instagram, I felt like I was forced to see things I didn’t want to see. Since then, she rarely accesses Instagram. She once deleted the app and asked her assistant to post for her.


Selena’s courage in facing life-threatening mental illnesses to the point of seeking professional help is truly a source of motivation for all of us. She is a talented singer, a talented artist of the young generation, at the same time, she is also a woman admired by everyone, a shining example with a soul always full of energy.