Taylor Swift refuses to bring The Eras Tour to Korea because of fear of ticket shortages?

Is this the reason why Taylor Swift rejected Korea?

The Eras Tour of Taylor Swift can be said to be the most successful tour in world music history as it brought the female singer huge revenue and many unprecedented records. Soon, Taylor Swift will bring The Eras Tour to the “lion island nation” of Singapore, this is also the only country in Southeast Asia where the female singer performs exclusively.


Previously, Thailand and South Korea were also two countries “competing” with Singapore in bringing Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour to perform. However, both of these countries did not receive consent from Taylor Swift.

Mr. Chung Tae Young – CEO and Vice President of Hyundai Card expressed his regret at not being able to bring Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour to Korea. Mr. Chung is a very famous figure in bringing international stars to Korea to perform, most recently the concert of male singer Bruno Mars.

Taylor Swift từ chối mang The Eras Tour đến Hàn Quốc vì sợ ế vé? Ảnh 1


Taylor Swift afraid of ticket shortages in Korea?

Taylor Swift’s refusal to go to Korea makes many people think of the story of the female singer who had no tickets in this country. In February 2011, Taylor Swift held the Speak Now concert at KSPO Dome, Korea to celebrate her third studio album.

However, this concert only attracted 4,725 spectators, while the capacity of this stadium is up to 15 thousand people. According to some, Taylor Swift at that time was not really a famous name in Korea, not many audiences even recognized her when walking on the street.

Since that concert in Korea, Taylor Swift has never once brought her concerts to the country of ginseng even though she has done 5 more tours around the world.