Taylor Swift’s secret to staying in shape without dieting

Country music princess Taylor Swift pursues a healthy diet and diverse exercises to improve her health and keep her figure fit.

Dù đã bước sang tuổi 34, công chúa nhạc đồng quê Taylor Swift vẫn giữ được vóc dáng và làn da như thời mười tám, đôi mươi.

Even though she is 34 years old, ‘country music princess’ Taylor Swift still maintains her figure and skin like when she was eighteen or twenty.

Don’t obsess about weight

Taylor Swift shared that she doesn’t put much weight on the issue of weight and doesn’t feel bothered when she gains a little weight. The Blank Space singer advocates healthy eating with all the food groups including green vegetables, fresh fruit, protein, healthy fats and good carbs. She also has “cheat days” – days when she can eat freely or when on tour, she often eats snacks to replenish energy. Taylor promotes a fit and healthy body rather than the numbers on the scale.

Choose organic foods

Pursuing a healthy lifestyle, the “country music princess” often chooses to buy organic vegetables and fruits. She limits the use of foods containing chemicals and additives.

Taylor Swift theo đuổi chế độ ăn uống lành mạnh chứ không ăn kiêng hà khắc.
Taylor Swift pursues a healthy diet, not a strict diet.

Like to cook at home

The singer born in 1989 loves to cook and often prepares her own meals to ensure food origin and nutritional balance. Even when traveling, Taylor prepares her own food and brings it with her.

Drink enough water, stay away from alcoholic drinks

The “Country Music Princess” often drinks water and fruit juice instead of sugary drinks. She also stays away from alcoholic beverages to protect her figure and skin. The 34-year-old female singer once revealed that she maintains the habit of drinking 10 bottles of water a day and always has a box of water in her car.

Train hard

In addition to healthy eating habits, Taylor Swift is also very active in exercising to stay in shape. She practices a variety of sports, from running and cycling to yoga and swimming. She also participates in zumba and pilates classes to increase her body’s flexibility and improve her health. The female singer said that the purpose of her exercise is not to lose weight or have a hot figure, but to improve her health and spirit. She believes that exercising and eating healthy helps improve quality of life.

Taylor Swift cháy hết mình trong chuyến lưu diễn The Eras Tour sau 5 năm nghỉ xả hơi.

Taylor Swift burned her heart out on ‘The Eras Tour’ after a 5-year break.

Taylor Swift was born in 1989, is an American singer-songwriter, who rose to fame with country music in 2006. After 10 albums, she won 12 Grammy awards and 29 Billboard awards. Besides her personal tour, she released many re-recorded albums such as Fearless, Red. The singer released Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) on July 7.