The singer caused controversy for boasting that he got 5 women pregnant at the same time

Pictures of male rapper Zeddy Will’s welcoming party for 5 soon-to-be-born babies with 5 different women received mixed reactions from the online community.

On her TikTok account, 29-year-old female musician Lizzy Ashleigh posted a photo after the baby shower party with the caption “When the baby’s father got 4 other girls pregnant at the same time.”

In the clip, the female singer wears a sexy black dress that hugs her pregnant belly, her face showing pride. Notably, the video also has the appearance of 3 other women. They all seemed happy and excited when showing off their pregnancy, and even complimented each other.

Sharing about this decision, Ashleigh said that they “accepted each other because the children will develop well when living in a large family”.

African-American singer Zeddy Will got five women pregnant at the same time.

Lizzy Ashleigh also said that her boyfriend – male rapper Zeddy Will – held a joint ceremony to celebrate five babies in Queens on January 14. At the beginning of the video, she and other women Bonnie B, Kay Merie, Jylene Vila and Iyanla Kalifa Galletti happily look at the camera.


The beauties show off their pregnant bellies at the party.

After being posted, the video quickly spread widely on social networks. Currently, the video has received more than 11 million views and received countless different opinions. However, many people suspect Lizzy Ashleigh is intentionally creating attention.

Nick Cannon is famous for having many children.

The fact that the male singer became the father of five children caused another star, Nick Cannon, to suddenly call out his name. Nick Cannon – ex-husband of diva Mariah Carey – is one of the artists with the most children. The male MC – American rapper is currently the father of 12 children with 6 different women.