Brittany Matthews, along with her adorable daughter Sterling, recently embarked on a sun-soaked adventure to the picturesque beaches of Mexico. However, what made this vacation particularly notable was the absence of her husband, NFL superstar Patrick Mahomes. Amidst the golden sands and crystal-clear waters, Matthews and Sterling seemed to be reveling in every moment of their mother-daughter escapade. From building sandcastles to frolicking in the waves, the duo epitomized the essence of a carefree vacation.

Despite Mahomes’ absence, the trip was far from lacking in excitement. Matthews shared glimpses of their adventures on social media, showcasing Sterling’s infectious laughter and her own radiant smile against the stunning backdrop of the Mexican coastline.

For Matthews, this getaway served as a refreshing break from the whirlwind of NFL seasons and red carpet events. It provided her with precious quality time to bond with Sterling, creating cherished memories that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.


As the sun set over the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, Matthews and Sterling shared a moment of quiet contentment, basking in the beauty of their surroundings and the warmth of their mother-daughter bond.

While Patrick Mahomes may have been absent from this particular excursion, his presence was surely felt in spirit as Matthews and Sterling enjoyed their unforgettable beach getaway, reaffirming the importance of family and the joy found in simple moments of togetherness.