MC Shaп Praises Emiпem’s Hυstle: “He Was iп the Treпches”

Hip hop legeпd MC Shaп, kпowп for icoпic tracks like “The Bridge” aпd “Iпformer”, receпtly sat dowп for aп iпterview oп the PANDA CHOP! News chaппel.

During the conversation, MC Shan, who Eminem previously named as an influence during his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction speech, offered his own praise for the rap icon.

This isn’t the first time MC Shan has shown his respect for Eminem. Previously, he defended Eminem against Dr. Umar, who questioned Em’s “rap GOAT” status based on race. Now, MC Shan revisits the topic, offering his unique perspective on Eminem’s journey.

MC Shan firmly disagrees with those who describe Eminem as a culture vulture:

Eminem was in the trenches. Fuck that, I ain’t nothing else to say about this question. That motherfucker was in the trenches. Now, I wanna ask the Black people this. When Charlottesville was going on, did you bring your solo black ass into Charlottesville when they were doing all that white people shit? No, you didn’t! But let me tell you where Eminem was very different. Detroit was full of black motherfuckers. And when he went to them hip hop shows, you know who was it full of? Black motherfuckers. So, he felt like the only white boy as a Black man going to Charlottesville by goddamn self. In the heat of danger! So, let’s just talk about how Eminem was that motherfucker. In the heat of danger, Eminem’s in the streets of Detroit! What’s up with them, Black folks? People don’t understand that. You have to look at Eminem as that one white individual that went amongst the wolves. And ain’t none of you motherfuckers showed up at Charlottesville. If you went to Charlottesville and you popped your gun, and you pulled it out

I haven’t seen any of you motherfuckers as brave as this man in a long time. I don’t care how you think I feel. I’m just bringing you real shit, and you cannot deal with the truth. You would have been against the same odds that this white boy from Detroit that didn’t grow up as Mark Zuckerberg with a college education. So, how are you gonna talk about this man when he did things that you don’t even have the heart to do on the simplest levels? Yeah, he may have few black friends, but those few black friends might not have been able to save him from those many black people who wanted to bust his motherfucking ass. So. don’t tell me Eminem wasn’t in the trenches.