Stephen A. Smith wants Dak Prescott fired along with Mike McCarthy for not being able to live up to the Cowboys’ historic standards

ESPN’s Smith wants the Cowboys to fire Dak Prescott alongside Mike McCarthy whenever they do.

After the humiliating loss against the Green Bay Packers, that continued the Dallas Cowboys‘ 29 years of playoff misfortune, all fingers point at head coach Mike McCarthy and his potential departure from the franchise. However, Dak Prescott stunned everyone when he gave his support openly to the head coach.

And that made the already irritated Stephen A. Smith slam the quarterback, as he failed to live up to the Cowboys’ historic standards. The ESPN analyst sent out a stern message to the Cowboys star QB for failing everyone who had put faith in him and the Cowboys.

That does come a point in time when Dak Prescott needs to shut up–The Standard? What would you [Prescott] know about the standards?

You haven't lived up to the standards that were once set decades before you.

fired Smith on the recent episode of First Take

Smith highlighted how the Cowboys won the Super Bowl in the ’90s when Micheal IrvinTroy Aikman, and Emmitt Smith were part of the team. Before that, the Cowboys also won the Super Bowl in the 70s with Roger Staubach.

They were winning. What would you know about that, if you are a Dallas Cowboys since 1996? You wouldn’t know anything about it. If anything, all you know is historically, there was a standard that you have failed to live up to in your entire career in the Dallas Cowboys uniform.

The sports analyst also argued that Prescott, would surely be an “incredible role model, is a really really good guy, really decent guy” but he should be analyzed based on his game, not his character like most analysts defend him with. He urged those analysts to stop saying all that, because at the end of the day, it’s football and therefore, he should be analyzed like that.

The time has come to stop all of that! We are talking football. We are not talking anything else..we’re not talking about your character, we’re not talking about you as a man, we’re not talking about how good of a person you are. We are talking about the fact that come to the month of January. You have a winning record in every single month but January. That is not an accident.