7 tips about money and career from famous singer Beyoncé

What goes into making a Beyoncé? Not only her impressive voice or beautiful appearance, the female singer is always loved by fans around the world because of her honorable personality.

With an estimated net worth of about 400 million USD, Beyoncé clearly knows a lot about money. And, she is not afraid to talk about it whether in interviews or in songs sharing about her life.

So what lessons about life, money and work can you learn from Beyoncé?

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Famous female singer Beyoncé

1. Focus on building your own life

It’s easy to get caught up in petty fights, hold grudges, or want revenge on those who have hurt us. But Beyoncé has no time for petty wars because in her eyes, the best revenge is to make money.

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“Always stay honorable. Best revenge is your paper.” – in the song Formation (Temporarily translated: Always be polite. The best revenge is your money.) Illustration

2. Share the wealth

Jay-Z and Beyoncé are extremely wealthy and have lavish lifestyles. But while enjoying the life they have built for themselves, understand the reality that they will not be happy if they do not help those around them succeed.

In the song Boss there is a line “Over here we measure success by how many people successful next to you. Here we say you broke if everyone is broke except for you.” (Temporarily translated: Here, we measure success by the number of successful people around you. Here we say you fail if everyone fails except you. 

And Beyoncé sings “Ain’t nothin’ to it, I Boss. I bought my momma a whip. My great great grandson is already rich. That’s a lot of brown children on your Forbes list. Probably looking around my compound on my fortress.” (Temporarily translated “It has nothing to do with it, I’m the boss. I bought my mother a whip. My great-grandchildren are already rich. That’s a lot of brown-skinned children on your Forbes list. Probably being look around my quarters on my fort).

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Always share and help others. Illustration

3. As a woman: aim for financial independence

When men have money, they have power and that’s simply not something Beyoncé would accept. In her view, women should not earn less than men or be financially dependent.

In a 2013 interview with GQ, she said: “ You know, equality is a myth and for some reason, everyone accepts the fact that women don’t make as much money as men. I don’t understand that. Why do we have to sit in the backseat? I truly believe that women should be financially independent from their men. And let’s face it, money gives men the power to define value, what is attractive, what is feminine. It’s ridiculous .”

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Women should never be financially dependent on anyone. Illustration

4. Know your self-worth

Beyoncé is confident and knows her self-worth – something that may have contributed to her success. And she doesn’t wait for someone to tell her how great she is. She decides for herself.

Are you waiting for someone to believe in you and your worth before you believe in yourself? Don’t, remember that you have the right to determine your own self-worth.

5. Money will not change you

And you shouldn’t let money change you. In Formation, Beyoncé sings about her family roots, being black and being proud of it.

“I earned all this money but they never took the country out of me. I got hot sauce in my bag….” (Translation: I made all this money but they never lost my roots. I have hot sauce in my pocket… .”

Despite being worth hundreds of millions of dollars, that will never change who Beyoncé is — and she still keeps that hot sauce in her bag.

Work hard to make money, but stay grounded. Don’t let wealth change who you are or what’s important to you. Be proud of where you were born and carry it with you wherever you go.

6. Diversify your income

It can be said that Beyoncé is an expert in the field of diversification. Even though she started her career with music, that wasn’t the only way she made money.

In 2010, she founded Parkwood Entertainment, a management and entertainment company.

Last year, she signed a three-part contract with Netflix for $60 million (about VND 1,390 billion). She had an endorsement deal worth $50 million (about VND 1,159 billion) with Pepsi. And she co-founded Ivy Park, an active fashion brand that recently launched in partnership with Adidas.

If Beyoncé only focused on music, she would be a very rich woman. But by diversifying her income, she brought her earning power even higher.

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So whether it’s making money from a job, a side hustle, or investing, find ways to diversify your income. Illustration

7. More than anything, believe in yourself

Arguably one of Beyoncé’s most famous quotes is “I don’t like to gamble, but if there’s one thing I’m willing to bet on, it’s me.”

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Confidence and the ability to know that you are in control of your destiny and that you are strong enough to make your dreams come true is priceless.

While we may never reach Beyoncé’s levels of wealth, there are plenty of lessons to guide how we look at our relationships – with money and with ourselves. There’s nothing more powerful than knowing your worth and staying on your money journey.