Although she often fights and makes music to curse people, Nicki Minaj is a star with a heart of gold in the education promotion industry.

On the outside, she often appears to be a big boss who “punches to death”, however, Nicki Minaj also values ​​education very much and always encourages her fans to take care of their studies.

Recently, Nicki Minaj paid the tuition fees for more than 50 fans with good scores or higher. In addition, she also gave away a number of surplus scholarships for free on The Ellen Show.

Remember in 2017, a fan asked casually on Twitter: “Sister, college tuition is so expensive, why now?” and Nicki replied, “Show me your transcript with all A’s, after verifying it, I will pay your tuition immediately!”

Although she often fights and makes music to curse people, Nicki Minaj is a star with a heart of gold in the education promotion industry - Photo 1.

And Nicki really did it, guys!

Dozens of fans immediately showed off their remarkable academic achievements. Nicki spent all night carefully replying to each tweet and gave gifts to fans who studied well by paying for books and tuition. 

Of course, this study promotion campaign only takes place for one night, but the hip-hop star promised fans that she will open many other scholarships to improve fans’ learning spirit. 

Recently, some fans who were good at studying were given their own school supplies by their sister, and one fan in particular showed off that her sister gave her a MacBook Pro because of her excellent study scores.

“My whole family is crying, Nicki Minaj bought me a MACBOOK PRO! Nicki I love you! I don’t know what else to say, this computer will be a great learning tool for me at school. Thank you so much , forever my idol!”

Recently, Nicki also contributed a large amount of money to her hometown of Trinidad to overcome the consequences of the floods. 

Some recent fighting scandals have made fans think Nicki is impulsive and violent, but her beautiful actions like this help improve her image in the eyes of fans. there! Keep up the good work, Nicki and fans!