Angelina Jolie uses fasting to force Brad Pitt to comply with her demands?

Actress Angelina Jolie is said to be only 45kg after being determined to fast to achieve her goal.

Recently, the National Enquirer published information that Angelina Jolie intentionally fasted to force Brad Pitt to comply with her custody requests. It is known that the actress “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” only eats some nuts and grains. She hoped Brad would give in when he saw her emaciation.

angelina jolie, brad pitt, sao hollywood

Angelina Jolie is rumored to be fasting to force Brad Pitt to comply with her custody demands.

This newspaper also spoke to a nutrition expert. The above expert said that Angelina’s weight is only 45kg, which is dangerous for the actress. Another expert commented that such fasting that causes weight loss can damage the immune system, increasing the risk of COVID-19. National Enquirer also emphasized that Angelina also deteriorated physically and mentally when she discovered that Brad Pitt was dating a model who was only old enough to be her nephew.

angelina jolie, brad pitt, sao hollywood

The “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” actress is said to be only 45kg.

But Gossip Cop provided evidence that the National Enquirer published untrue news. They believe that the experts the newspaper talked to did not directly treat Angelina, so they are not qualified to talk about her health problems. Besides, National Enquirer used Jolie’s not-so-beautiful photo as an illustration. It is worth mentioning that this photo was taken in 2017 and is not her current image.

In fact, rumors related to Angelina Jolie’s weight problem appeared online many times before. Not long ago Angelina went out with her children. However, she looked healthy and happy, not emaciated.