Anti-Beyonce rally is the worst-attended protest ever

Organizers of an anti-Beyoncé rally were left disappointed yesterday – when only a handful of protesters turned up and were quickly outnumbered by Black Lives Matter activists.

Planned by an anonymous group, a demonstration had been due to take place outside the National Football League headquarters in New York following Beyoncé’s Super Bowl half time performance, which left many outraged at her taking a political stance on the football field.

However the rally was quickly overrun by pro-Beyoncé fans, who turned out to express their support for the singer alongside members of the Black Lives Matter movement, who staged a counter-protest.

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The protest, outside the NFL headquarters in New York, was staged in response to Beyoncé’s Super Bowl half time performance

Beyoncé's performance at the Superbowl (pictured) featured backing dancers dressed as members of armed civil rights group the Black Panthers, and was promptly labelled a 'race-baiting' act

Beyoncé’s performance at the Superbowl featured backing dancers dressed as members of armed civil rights group the Black Panthers, and was promptly labelled a ‘race-baiting’ act.

It sparked a backlash against the singer, with many furious she had inserted politics into the NFL, and accusing her of spreading an ‘anti-cop’ message.

The hashtag #BoycottBeyonce begun trending on Twitter shortly after the show.

But her powerful demonstration of black pride resonated with her supporters, who turned out at the staged protest yesterday.

Members of the Black Lives Matter movement staged a counter-protest on Tuesday. Pictured, Spencer Jones speaks to the media at the rally

Outnumbered: Anti-Beyoncé protester and pro-police supporter Ariel Kohane discusses her part in the protest

According to reports, only three anti-Beyoncé protesters turned up – and were met by dozens of the Black Lives Matter movement.

According to the anonymous Eventbrite page, the rally was due to take place on Tuesday from 8am to 4pm outside the NFL building.

Its invitation reads: Are you offended as an American that Beyoncé pulled her race-baiting stunt at the Superbowl?’

‘Do you agree that the Black Panthers was/is a hate group which should not be glorified? Come and let’s stand together.

‘Let’s tell the NFL we don’t want hate speech & racism at the Superbowl ever again!’

Protesters (pictured) were outnumbered by members of the Black Lives Matter movement, who staged a counter-protest

There was a police presence at the site in anticipation of a larger crowd – however only a handful of people turned up

‘Stop police terror’: People from opposing sides held up banners to demonstrate their political stances during the rally

People held banners bearing the slogans 'End police brutality and murder' at the rally

'Get in formation' - a reference to the star's latest single

Some 30 pro-Beyoncé and Black Lives Matter supporters waited, holding signs proclaiming ‘Get information’ and ‘Pro black doesn’t mean anti white’

Protesters may have been surprised when they were met by counter-protesters