If rapper Nicki Minaj gives everyone a chance to earn money, learn about non-images 1
Singer Nicki Minaj. (Source: AP)

When a student asked American rapper

 Nicki Minaj, “Can you pay my tuition?”, few people expected that this female rapper agreed, and even generously spent money to help a lot. other students.

On May 6, when a fan “asked” for money via Twitter, Nicki immediately replied: “Please confirm that I can verify your school and I will pay for it.” you pay tuition.”

That night alone, the female rapper helped a total of 30 students with money to pay tuition . She also promised to respond to fans’ requests in the next 1 or 2 months.

According to TMZ, on the evening of May 7, many students saw money transferred to their accounts.

Not only tuition fees,money to buy some necessary items for studying.

A person named Nicolas wrote: “I study film production and I really need a professional video camera. Can you help me?” Immediately, Nicki Minaj asked the price of the camera and agreed to support this student.

If rapper Nicki Minaj gives everyone a chance to earn money, learn about non-images 2
Fans asked for money to buy cameras. (Source: boredpanda.com) 

Another student texted Nicki Minaj: “I need 700 USD to pay for online tuition. My family doesn’t have the means to support me, and my part-time salary is low. Can you support me?” “. The female rapper did not hesitate to support this girl.

This rare story is attracting the attention of the media and more students hope to receive support from this generous female singer./.