Some time ago, singer Lady Gaga posted on her Instagram page to say thank you to father Duffell. 

“Thank you, Father Duffell, for your wonderful homilies and the lunches you had at my Pop restaurant. I was very moved when I heard you share: “The Eucharist is not only a perfect gift but also spiritual food that God gives to people.”


Photo of singer Lady Gaga with priest Duffell that she posted on her Instagram profile. 

From that shared photo, Steph Curry wrote the article: “5 things needed when celebrities express their faith posted on Catholic Link”. Those 5 things are:

    They are not Gods, but just celebrities!

Celebrities are people too, just like us. Hopefully we can’t let ourselves fall into the trap of being crazy about idols and imitating their words, opinions and actions. 

Everyone is the same, we must carefully consider their statements to see whether what they say is true to the truth of the Church and God?

    They are human beings just like us so they are not perfect.

Sometimes we think that famous people are in a higher position than ourselves. 

The truth is that they do not always live their lives with God. There are even times when they have many gestures that are not religious. 

We humans can return to our faith and to God even when we make many mistakes. Each of us will have the opportunity to receive his mercy until the day we die.

    They have both good and bad influences

Celebrities have quite a large influence. Sometimes they are role models for many people, especially young people.

 This can have a good or bad tendency depending on how they carry out that responsibility. It reminds them of this responsibility and encourages them to create high standards for society. When they do, they will be applauded!

    We can use their words to start conversations and connect with others

We can leverage the great influence of celebrities for our missionary efforts. It’s natural to start a conversation with a question like: ”What do you see when Lady Gaga talks about the Eucharist? What do you think about that? “rather than” Do you believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? “. 

Again, this is a great example of how people can return to faith. We all have struggles, obstacles, but we can always return to God! Pop culture is a story that we can use to start good conversations with friends, family, and colleagues. Asking such questions will make them think about their own beliefs.

    We need to pray for them

Famous people have a great influence on others, including their faith. Pray for your favorite celebrity that they will grow stronger in their faith and have a deeper understanding of life in God. That is also an indirect way to pray for people and for today’s youth.

On the social network Instagram, the female singer responded to the article: “Dear Becky Roach. Ancient Mary Magdalene washed Christ’s feet and received love from him. 

A prostitute, a noble person, would be ashamed and think she was ‘waste’. However, He still loved her and did not criticize her. He let her cry and took a long time to dry His feet and dirty hair. Even though we are famous people, we are also human beings, full of sins and children. 

Our lives are not in vain because we always strive. We are always equal to everyone around us. God is never partial regardless of who the ‘believer’ is.

Lady Gaga insta photo

Screenshot from the content that singer Lady Gaga replied to on Catholic Link’s post.

Lady Gaga is a   famous American singer  and  songwriter . Influenced by  David Bowie ,  Michael Jackson ,  Madonna  and  Queen , Lady Gaga is recognized for her brilliance, innovation and contributions to the music industry through fashion trends, performances and videos. my music.

Not only Lady Gaga but many other celebrities also never hesitate to share their faith on social networking sites. 

Former Miss America, Rima Fakih, who recently converted to Catholicism, did not hesitate to share Bible verses on her Twitter profile.