Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Billion dollar divorce and ugly lawsuits

 The trial between “pirate” Johnny Depp and his ex-wife, Amber Heard, continues to be the focus of the media as both sides continuously denounce and witnesses from both sides are kicked out one after another. court.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard started going to court to resolve the defamation lawsuit on April 11. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor demanded compensation of 50 million USD after The Washington Post published an article about domestic violence that Amber Heard was the author of. The actress objected and sued her ex-husband, demanding compensation of up to 100 million USD.

The case has attracted world media over the past few days. In court, many witnesses representing both sides appeared and gave testimonies.

Two witnesses were suddenly kicked out of the trial 

On April 18, according to Page Six sources , journalist Eve Barlow was kicked out of the $50 million defamation trial between actor Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard. Eve Barlow is a music correspondent for NME and the New York Times Magazine . She was asked to leave the court because she leaked information about the case and posted it on Twitter.

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The post-divorce lawsuit between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard has not yet come to an end (Photo: Daily).

Eve Barlow is the person who has been with Amber Heard for the past year and has repeatedly tried to defend her friend by intervening in the trial. She said Gina Deuters (wife of Stephen Deuters – who worked with Johnny Depp) is trying to change her testimony through posts on her personal page.

However, the truth is that Gina Deuters’ articles were posted a year ago, when Johnny Depp lost his lawsuit against The Sun newspaper . Johnny Depp’s lawyers petitioned to ban Barlow from the courtroom and the judge approved.

“Amber let her close journalist friend sit in the front row with the legal team, then texted and posted on social media. Eve Barlow really thought she was part of the legal team. Finally , Barlow must be removed from the courtroom,” the source told Page Six.

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Eve Barlow stands with Amber Heard and her legal team outside the courtroom (Photo: Getty Images).

The trial judge objected to Barlow’s texting and social media use: “She posted from my courtroom. That is against the court’s order. Barlow will be permanently barred from returning to court.” “.

The judge also removed Gina Deuters, the wife of Johnny Depp’s best friend, from the courtroom and dismissed her testimony and status as a witness. The reason was that Deuters admitted that he had watched clips of the trial proceedings between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard online before giving his testimony. This is said to lose the objectivity and truthfulness of the testimony.

Many witnesses gave unfavorable testimony to Amber Heard

In particular, in the latest trial, Amber Heard’s lawyer said the actress kept a lot of evidence accusing her ex-husband of physical and mental abuse. Meanwhile, the actress’s former assistant – Kate James suddenly sided with Johnny Depp and accused Amber Heard of lying.

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Amber Heard shocked when she accused her ex-husband of sexually assaulting her when they were still together (Photo: DM).

Kate James was Amber Heard’s assistant from 2012 to 2015. She accused the actress of often getting angry, cursing and blindly terrorizing her subordinates. Kate James also confirmed that the bruise on Amber Heard’s face was not caused by Johnny Depp.

The summoned witnesses including Johnny Depp’s sister – Christi Dembrowski, his close friend – Isaac Baruch and Heard’s former assistant – Kate James all defended the actor, affirming that they had never seen him commit violent acts. At the same time, he criticized Amber Heard for lying and making herself a victim of domestic violence.

In court on April 18, David Kipper – a doctor invited to Johnny Depp’s private home to treat Johnny Depp’s injuries in 2015, said that the actress had a rather uncomfortable face. She was not injured and did not need medical help.

David Kipper is the doctor hired to help Johnny Depp overcome his addiction. The doctor said he had never seen a famous actor beat his wife during the time he worked for both of them.
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Johnny Depp is constantly defended by relatives, friends and even Amber Heard’s assistant (Photo: News).

Doctor David Kipper confirmed that the actor tried to quit his addiction while living with Amber Heard: “He tried to treat his body so that he no longer had toxic substances. Depp planned to spend two weeks at the hospital.” home on his Caribbean island for the detox process. He didn’t think he could do it. After a conversation, Depp was convinced and returned to the treatment process.”

According to Dr. David, the actor born in 1963 used to suffer from depression and anxiety disorder. He became dependent on stimulants after a dental treatment. Depp’s addiction situation became more serious at the end of his marriage with Amber Heard, when he abused Xanax (a sleeping pill for psychological patients).

Sean Bett, Johnny Depp’s bodyguard, also testified in the recent trial and confirmed that he saw the actor injured many times, including injuries to his cheekbones, nose and forehead.

“Amber Heard admitted to me that she threw a wine bottle and injured her husband. They fought constantly. After an argument, Depp said this could not happen again,” Bett shared.

Amber Heard’s lawyer later denied the incident and said they had a lot of evidence, including text messages showing that the Fantastic Beast star admitted to cutting his finger.

Sean Bett has been Johnny Depp’s exclusive bodyguard for the past 8 years. He believes that Amber Heard also took advantage of her ex-husband’s kindness during the time they lived together.

Laurel Anderson, a famous psychotherapist for the former couple, confirmed that the two Hollywood stars abused each other. However, according to the doctor, Amber Heard was the one who attacked first because she felt that if she didn’t hit Johnny Depp first, he would hit her.

The trial between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard is expected to last 6 weeks. Previously, this trial was postponed many times due to the Covid-19 epidemic and other personal reasons.

Through the first days of litigation, Amber Heard’s side first accused Johnny Depp of sexual assault. In the upcoming trials, many famous people such as James Franco, Elon Musk (Amber Heard’s ex-boyfriend), and Paul Bettany will be invited to court to testify for both sides.

The marriage started from love eventually turned to hatred

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard were once a famous Hollywood couple, admired by the public. Amber Heard is also the only pink shadow that makes Johnny Depp want to get married even though he previously dated French singer Vanessa Paradis for 14 years and has two children together.

After 4 years of dating, the couple decided to get married. However, about a year after being married, the couple started taking each other to court for a divorce. Specifically, actress Amber Heard accused her husband of being an alcoholic, beating her, and mentally abusing her. Johnny Depp later denied the allegations but accepted a compensation agreement of 7 million USD (160 billion VND) to Amber Heard to end the noisy divorce.

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Johnny Depp and Amber Heard dated for four years before deciding to get married (Photo: News).

Two years after the breakup, Amber Heard recalled the incident in an interview with The Washington Post , at the same time she was promoting the movie Aquaman in which she starred.

In November 2020, Johnny Depp filed a lawsuit against British company News Group Newspapers for defamation. This unit owns The Sun newspaper and called the actor a “wife beater” in a 2018 article.

Amber Heard and many related people were invited to London (UK) to testify. After three months of litigation, the judge rejected Johnny Depp’s claim for compensation because he believed he had abused his wife. The Pirates of the Caribbean actor then appealed but was unsuccessful.

Failure in the lawsuit further caused Johnny Depp’s career and image to decline. The controversies and images during the trials further worsened his image in the eyes of his colleagues and the public.

A few days after losing the lawsuit, Johnny Depp confessed on his personal page that he was asked by Warner Bros. to withdraw from the Fantastic Beasts movie franchise – a prequel to Harry Potter . “I respect and agree to do this. However, I will find a way to prove that the accusations attacking me are fabricated,” Depp wrote.

It is known that, being asked to withdraw from the Fantastic Beasts 3 film project , Johnny Depp is said to still receive the full salary according to the contract, equivalent to 10 million USD