Johnny Depp was once a notorious drug addict and playboy

Looking at today’s loyal, exemplary father and husband, few people know that Johnny Depp was once a drug addict, a wanderer, and a notorious Don Juan.

There are no shortage of handsome, passionate stars in Hollywood, but perhaps, only Johnny Depp has such a coldly romantic, careless, irreverent, seductively eccentric and adorable slovenly look.

The film industry often compares that Johnny Depp is a natural actor, his talent has tremendous power that makes anyone look forward to working with him once. This can be certain when looking at the list of artists who have worked with Johnny such as: Angielina Jolie, Keira Knightley, Penelope Cruz, Megan Fox…

Instead of appearing dashing like many Hollywood male stars,

Johnny Depp often appears with an eccentric rock style.

The guy is unique – strange and sloppy

Talented, famous, rich, loves his family, has a humanitarian heart, it seems that all of those things are not enough to describe Johnny Depp. He is a star who always attracts the attention of the majority of movie enthusiasts in America because of all the unique and strange things that go against all normal rules and standards.

While other famous and wealthy actors like to wear branded clothes and always appear neat and elegant in front of fans or on television with flat suits and shiny leather shoes, Johnny just likes to Wear cheap, popular and very simple clothes.

The image that people often see is of a rustic, youthful, unconventional Johnny Depp with torn jeans and a pullover with a strange shape. He likes to wear sneakers at events and is addicted to wearing Rock and somewhat spooky accessories on his hands. If George Clooney cuts his hair neatly and dyes it salt-and-pepper color or Tom Cruise wears shiny gel and is meticulously groomed, then Johnny adores his long ponytail tied haphazardly at the back of his neck.

He sometimes makes the press feel unusual because of the unnecessary sloppiness in the style of a star with the highest income in the world. But despite everything, Johnny Depp always wants to be a stubborn personality, not to be reconciled in Hollywood and he sees expressing his different aesthetic taste as a way to enhance his self-worth. Strangely enough, no fans commented that his sloppiness was obnoxious. Everything seems strange, but when put on Johnny Depp, it becomes a rare beauty and wonderful harmony.

Talented actor

Without exaggeration, Johnny Depp with his playful, spontaneous, and unique acting style has overshadowed all his co-stars in Pirates of the Caribbean. Captain Jack Sparrow is the hero of the movie, but Johnny makes him different from all the other heroes.

Jack is not a good person, not even a bandit with a cold appearance but a hot heart. On the contrary, he “converges” all the most characteristic evil qualities of humans: Always lying to benefit himself, always running away when faced with danger, always denying the bad things he has done. cause.

A person who lies, is cowardly, and loves to get drunk. His gait is sloppy, his eyes are dark, his beard is braided, his teeth are jagged with silver, he is not considered the type of hero who likes to save beautiful people. However, Jack Sparrow always appears in the most dangerous situations and always escapes skillfully. Jack Sparrow is a man who doesn’t care about life and lives freely, wandering around like a gangster, not caring about people or situations, nothing can bind a bandit, morality or law, emotions or responsibility, or beauty. beautiful or powerful.

So when Jack Sparrow slowly stepped onto the big screen, people felt extremely excited. It’s been a long time since they’ve had a hero so full of everyday evil. This hero is new and truly makes women remember him.

In addition to his brilliant peak in Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp also “led” a series of extremely famous characters in many other valuable works. Fear and Loathing in Lasvegas, Nick of time, Chocolat or Finding Neverland all have strong vitality in the hearts of the public.

The characters he incarnates always achieve two criteria: the public loves them and the critics respect and appreciate them. They call the common denominator in all those incarnations the lonely but wonderfully seductive image. It can be said that his career is a long journey and the end point is Johnny Deep becoming the most powerful actor on the world silver screen.