Johnny Depp’s career is in ruins after the scandal of beating his ex-wife: Losing a series of roles, movies being “covered up”, the possibility of being fired from Pirates of the Caribbean?

Johnny Depp – Pirates of the Caribbean star may be kicked out of his “famous” movie project due to the scandal of abusing his ex-wife.

It seemed like he was in the position of an “A-list star” in Hollywood with expensive salaries and a series of classic roles, but actor Johnny Depp ‘s career is on the brink of complete collapse. After a series of lawsuits with his ex-wife Amber Heard , the actor born in 1963 was turned away by many studios and lost major roles.

Johnny Depp's career is ruined after the scandal of beating his ex-wife: Losing a series of roles, films being screened, possibility of being fired from Pirates of the Caribbean? - Photo 1.

Johnny Depp and ex-wife Amber Heard

It all started in 2016, when Amber Heard filed a petition with the court, asking for an order banning Johnny Depp from contacting her because he had abused her during the time they were together, often under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The two officially completed divorce proceedings in 2017, and Johnny Depp compensated Amber Heard with $7 million – an amount that was later donated.

In June 2018, Johnny Depp sued the owner of The Sun news website for an article calling him a “wife beater”. The lawsuit took place in 2020, attracting a lot of attention and both Johnny Depp and Amber Heard appeared in court to give testimony. In November 2020, the High Court ruled that 12 of Amber Heard’s 14 violence complaints were “somewhat true”, and upheld her claim that Johnny Depp had “had a negative influence”. to her acting career”.

Johnny Depp's career is ruined after the scandal of beating his ex-wife: Losing a series of roles, films being screened, possibility of being fired from Pirates of the Caribbean? - Photo 2.

Johnny Depp lost the lawsuit, and since then the nickname “wife beater” has been used by more and more people. Because of this, many film studios decided to turn their backs on the actor because they did not want to be involved in the scandal, lawsuits and scandals that he was currently entangled in.

Johnny Depp lost his role as Grindelwald in the Fantastic Beasts film series (belonging to the Harry Potter universe ) from Warner Bros. Besides, Disney seems to not want to let Johnny Depp return in the sequel to Pirates of the Caribbean – even though this is this actor’s “brand” film series.

Johnny Depp's career is ruined after the scandal of beating his ex-wife: Losing a series of roles, films being screened, possibility of being fired from Pirates of the Caribbean? - Photo 3.

Recently, director Andrew Levitas of the movie Minamata (starring Johnny Depp) voiced frustration that MGM studio is intentionally letting the movie “show up” because of the controversy surrounding Johnny Depp. “MGM decided to bury the movie. We asked the company to consider it but were refused ,” he said. The studio only commented that they have not yet decided on the film’s release date, although the film was previously scheduled to hit theaters last February.

Johnny Depp's career is ruined after the scandal of beating his ex-wife: Losing a series of roles, films being screened, possibility of being fired from Pirates of the Caribbean? - Photo 4.

Johnny Depp as a photojournalist in the movie Minamata

Like the movie Minamata , it seems that Johnny Depp’s career is also “buried” and has no return date. The Hollywood Reporter page even called the actor “unwelcome” in Hollywood. Meanwhile, actress Amber Heard is still busy participating in the blockbuster project Aquaman 2 .