Johnny Depp’s huge fortune and notorious spending habits

Over the past few years, Johnny Depp has “thrown” about 650 million USD on land, art paintings and luxury parties.

Johnny Depp's huge fortune and notorious spending habits

Johnny Depp is famous for the “Pirates of the Caribbean” series.” (Photo: News)

Johnny Depp is one of the best-earning actors in Hollywood but is also the world’s biggest spending star. Over the past few years, he has “thrown” about 650 million USD on land, art paintings and expensive parties. According to Celebrity Net Worth, Johnny Depp’s assets are currently $100 million, a figure much more modest than the Pirates of the Caribbean actor’s previous assets .

According to statistics from The Management Group (TMG) company founded by Johnny Depp, he earned an average of 55 million – 75 million USD per year for 12 years, from 2004 to 2016. During that period, his total assets he estimates that $650 million was actually spent on Johnny’s luxurious hobbies.

In 2018, Rolling Stone newspaper stated that the Hollywood actor was on the verge of bankruptcy as he wasted about 2 million USD each month. Tally Meirovits – a former model who dated Johnny Depp in the 1980s, once commented about him: “Money doesn’t mean anything to him. Spending money is something that makes him very proud.”

The Hollywood actor has the hobby of collecting real estate and owns many valuable land plots (Photo: DM).

The Hollywood actor has a hobby of collecting real estate and owns many valuable land plots.

Strong passion for real estate shopping and the pleasure of spending money

Johnny Depp is especially interested in real estate. Since 1995, he bought a 41-acre farm in Kentucky, USA for his family to live on. Besides, he owns a 37-acre plot of land called Hameau in France. In 2015, the actor reluctantly sold some acres to pay off debt, but in general he still owns a lot of land. The price of Depp’s French estate has a listed market price of 55.5 million USD.

In addition, he also owns 5 penthouses in Los Angeles and 5 houses in Hollywood Hills worth several tens of millions of dollars. Later, Johnny Depp sold two of the five houses in Hollywood Hills.

Besides expensive penthouses or apartments in the US and a large village in France, Johnny Depp also owns the island Little Halls Pond Cay in the Bahamas. In 2004, Johnny Depp discovered and sought to buy back the island of Little Halls Pond Cay for $3.6 million. At that time, he was famous for the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

An apartment arranged by Johnny Depp himself (Photo: News).

An apartment arranged by Johnny Depp himself. (Source: News)

Initially the island was just a wild land. Hollywood actors have invested tens of millions of dollars to renovate and build more real estate according to their own preferences. He spent 300,000 – 400,000 USD to care for and renovate the yacht. On the island there are also security staff, janitors and landscapers.

The actor in turn named the beaches on the island after his daughter Lily-Rose, son Jack, ex-lover Vanessa Paradis, teacher Marlon Brando and journalist Hunter S. Thompson and one beach was named after the man. actor Heath Ledger. Johnny Depp used the island to detox in 2014 and later threw a million-dollar anniversary party for Amber Heard in 2015.

Johnny Depp spent money to buy an archipelago and named the beaches on the island after his children, ex-lover, and colleagues (Photo: DM).

Johnny Depp bought an archipelago and named the island’s beaches after his children, ex-lover, and colleagues. (Source: DM).

To take care of valuable real estate, Johnny Depp hired about 40 security staff and maids, and this cost was estimated at 3.6 million USD. The amount of money he spent on the interior of these properties amounted to 75 million USD. In particular, the architectural investment cost for Depp’s most expensive penthouse is estimated at tens of millions of dollars.

In 2017, a financial advisor revealed that Johnny Depp used to spend $30,000 a month on wine. In response to this information, the actor shared: “It’s insulting to say that I only spent $30,000 on alcohol, because the number is much more than that.”

In addition to alcohol, the famous actor is also very passionate about works of art. He owns many creative works by artists Warhol, Basquiat and Modigliani. After the divorce, Johnny auctioned two Basquiats paintings for $11 million. He also enjoys collecting guitars, buying private planes, jewelry, and organizing parties.

Johnny Depp is an art lover and decorates his apartments with his own style and personality (Photo: News).

Johnny Depp is a lover of art and the furniture that decorates his apartments has his own style and personality. (Source: News)

Career was severely damaged

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Johnny Depp’s career, life, and image were severely affected after the divorce lawsuit with actress Amber Heard. The couple broke up in 2016 when Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of physically abusing and mentally torturing her during their marriage.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard when they were happy (Photo: News).

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard when they were happy (Photo: News).

Among them, losing the role of Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean 6 , a role with Depp since 2003, is the most notable point. In a recent trial, Johnny Depp’s legal team said the actor lost $22.5 million because of this.

In 2020, the Hollywood actor confirmed that he gave up his role as a dark wizard in the Fantastic Beasts film series . Shortly after, the actor admitted that he was asked to leave the role because Warner Bros. believed Amber Heard’s domestic violence allegations.

Over the past 6 years, the couple has continued to denounce and sue, shocking the world media. Since mid-April 2022, Johnny Depp took Amber Heard to court again and accused her of ruining his career through accusations of domestic violence. The actor demanded $50 million in compensation from his ex-wife while Amber Heard counterattacked and demanded double compensation.

Johnny Depp attended the trial against Amber Heard in April 2022 (Photo: Getty Images).

Johnny Depp attended the trial against Amber Heard in April 2022. (Source: Getty Images)

The lawsuit is attracting the attention of world media and audiences. Johnny Depp said that because of his image as a “wife beater” created by Amber Heard over the years, the Pirates of the Caribbean actor suffered heavy economic and career losses.

What did Johnny Depp get when he won his lawsuit against Amber Heard?

Currently, world public opinion is supporting Johnny Depp and criticizing Amber Heard. Media experts believe that the trial results will have a major impact on the images of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, especially their future careers in Hollywood.

Family relationship crisis resolution expert Jaime Bronstein commented: “Whoever wins this case will have a better chance of reviving their career than the other person. Anyway, both Depp and Heard have to work hard to get their money back.” the respect of society and the trust of the entertainment industry in Hollywood”.

According to The List, the trial of Johnny Depp suing his ex-wife Amber Heard for defamation is being watched by the whole world. The trial was broadcast live and a lot of never-before-published information about the A-list star couple’s marriage is gradually being revealed to the public. Experts say that this greatly affects the artist’s image.

“We highly encourage Amber and Johnny to seek professional counseling to heal. Looking back later, they will be hurt by over-exposing the hidden corners of their lives,” said expert Bronstein.

Johnny Depp is receiving support from world public opinion (Photo: Reuters).

Johnny Depp is receiving support from world public opinion.

Since the trial began, many viewers have sided with Johnny Depp and condemned Amber Heard. During the hearing on May 4, Amber Heard maintained her stance accusing her husband of violence. She burst into tears and recounted the terrible actions that Johnny did to her during the time they lived together, such as sexual violence and threatening to kill her while going out with her two stepchildren.

However, Amber Heard’s shares do not seem to receive public sympathy. The wave of attacks on her continued to rise. As of May 4, more than 3.4 million people signed a petition asking producers to remove Amber Heard from the movie Aquaman 2 and related works. Famous Hollywood film critic Grace Randolph told TMZ that the actress’s role was only shortened to less than 10 minutes despite her important role.