The Hollywood press reported that Kanye West is planning revenge on his ex-wife to gain an advantage in the divorce process.

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West ‘s divorce is expected to go smoothly, without many waves because both have made prenuptial agreements. However, recently, the British press said that the divorce process could become complicated and noisy because Kanye is plotting to retaliate against his ex-wife.

In Touch newspaper published an article with the title “Kanye’s story will destroy Kim”. The couple’s troubled marriage and long period of separation finally ended with a divorce petition filed in court a few weeks ago. According to this magazine, Kanye knows all of his wife’s secrets, including her mental illness. He began his “revenge plan” by telling close friends Kim’s secret. The male rapper affirmed that his ex-wife had been deceiving the audience all this time. 

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Kanye is expected to “expose” Kim, releasing long-hidden secrets to the media

The magazine first reported that Kanye gave Kim a white cat named Mercy. However, this cat later strangely disappeared  In Touch  ‘s source shared that  the TV star dumped the cat and let it be taken. However, another source said, Kim took Mercy to an animal shelter to care for dogs and cats, but unfortunately Mercy got lost and went missing. However, the mother of four children was still criticized for refusing to keep the cat given to her by her husband, pushing the responsibility onto the animal shelter.

In addition, information said that Kim even flirted with another man right in front of her husband. Besides, this reality TV star is often upset when things don’t go her way, which is what made Kanye suffer when living with her for many years.

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Kim’s adorable kitten has truly disappeared

But as for the secrets related to Kim that Kanye plans to make public, Gossip Cop affirms that this information is all baseless and unverified. Fans are asking the representatives of the two stars to correct and release more information about the divorce of the century. 

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People are extremely curious about the scandalous couple’s $1.6 million (more than 36 billion VND) divorce.