First of all, you need to realize that while most of what you read or hear about the Illuminati is fictitious, there actually was a secret society of individuals called the Bavarian Illuminati which was founded in 1776.

The Illuminati, as we know them today, is a completely different organisation though.

They are supposed to have the power to influence world affairs, control the media, and sway governments. At least, that’s how they are predicted in most pop culture.

But let’s forget about all that, today we’re going to be talking about some of the most famous celebrities from around the world who are ‘rumoured’ to be a part of this society.

#1 Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie chụp ảnh với ong

She has been associated with them for a while now. Her movie “Tomb Raider” had an Illuminati based storyline.

Even in real life, Jolie underwent a double mastectomy in, what is being viewed as, a step that will benefit the pharmaceutical companies which, we all know, are run by the Illuminati.

#2 Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton - 11:11 Media | LinkedIn

You thought Paris Hilton was popular because of a sex-tape? Well, she’s also the heiress to the Hilton group of hotels. As long as she’s around, Illuminati members will never have to worry about accommodation across the globe.

#3 Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian West thành tỉ phú USD: Ngôi sao tai tiếng làm giàu nhờ đâu?  - Tuổi Trẻ Online
While Paris was the first to get popular off a sex-tape, it was Kim who made the most of it. You could go as far as saying she managed to make a name for herself despite having no real talent. Well, rumour has it that the Illuminati rejected her for this very reason but her hubbie, Kanye West, is a prominent member of the society. Guess not every woman marries for love, eh?

#4 Beyonce
Beyoncé – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
She is rumoured to be the woman who runs the place. She has regularly integrated Illuminati symbolism in her performances as has her husband, Jay-Z.

#5 Barack Obama

Barack Obama - Wikipedia
Strange how the former President of the United States ended up on this list. Actually, it isn’t strange at all. Need proof that Obama is part of the Illuminati? The big bank bailout that he orchestrated benefited some of the most powerful men in the world, all Illuminati members of course.

#6 Donald Trump

The Jan. 6 Committee Has Helped Make Trump a Historic President - POLITICO


It’s obvious. Whatever Obama does, Trump has to do better. Even when it comes to their rumoured membership in this secret society, Trump has constantly tried to upstage Obama to the point where he has become the President of the United States.

#7 Madonna

Madonna Dismisses Critiques of Her Appearance at the Grammys as “Ageism and  Misogyny” | Vanity Fair

If you are a Madonna fan, you would know of her 2014 song called, you guessed it, ‘Illuminati.’ Do we really need to say any more? Just listen to the song. It will all become clear.

#8 Rihanna

Rihanna: Từ tuổi thơ nghèo đến tỷ phú tự thân trẻ nhất - VnExpress Giải trí

While she may just be a part of the Illuminati, she certainly isn’t one of their most prominent members.

Our best guess is that she became a member because Jay-Z forced her to. We don’t think we’re going to see her getting involved in their plans for world domination anytime soon, though.

*These are the names we were allowed to release to the public. But, we went through a lot of trouble to get information about another couple of members.

Unfortunately, we have had to remove their names from this list and the author of this article has been put on administrative leave till further notice. Please feel free to voice your outrage in the comments and we hope to get him back soon.

#10 Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga has long suffered from Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). She believes that her long-term illness is the result of allowing “dark forces” to enter her body when she sold her soul to the Illuminati – a secret organization that worships Satan – early in her career. Gaga shared candidly in the documentary “Gaga: Five Foot Two” a portrait of a troubled star.

The film’s production staff revealed that Gaga recalled meeting with a Catholic priest, to discuss eliminating the “dark forces” she had invited into her body during Satanic rituals when she first started. early singing career. She recounted how she first joined the Illuminati by “offering her soul.” That engagement took place at a club in New York’s Lower East Side in 2006 after she finished performing.

“I just got off the stage, it was a nice show, I received a lot of applause and love from the audience. I was outside lighting a cigarette and thinking about doing some more cocaine. I’m wanting more. About everything…

Then, a rather young grandfather in a western suit appeared. He leaned against the wall, smoked a cigarette and said to me: ‘I think you have everything you need. Do you want that?’ I asked what ‘that’ was. He smiled and said: ‘Everything. Success. Reputation. Rich. Power. Do you want it all?’”

”I looked at him curiously. I don’t understand him. Then he just stood there and sang one of the songs I used to sing before. I stared at him as if he were a black pearl fished from the deepest ocean. I knelt down and asked him whom I should praise. I looked him straight in the eye and said I wanted it all. I told him I would do anything.”
Lady Gaga: I regret selling my soul to the dark forces Illuminati - photo 2Gaga believes that her chronic fibromyalgia is the result of selling her soul to the Illuminati. (Photo: Pinterest)
Before meeting that man, Gaga had little success in business or received public recognition, she mainly performed in bars, in late night clubs,…

Then, Gaga was able to compose music and achieve everything she ever dreamed of, but she had to trade one thing, which was her own soul. In addition to what happened at Mercury Lounge in New York City that night, Gaga signed a deal with the other man and immediately realized that “success is certain.”

At the cost of her soul, Gaga was able to create music that made her famous to famous collaborators, producers and promoters in the music industry.