(N) Beyonce fainted when she heard Blue Ivy reveal the terrible things Jay Z and P Diddy did to her

Welcome to a shocking tale of betrayal, jealousy, and revenge that unfolded within the glitz and glamour of the music industry.

Today, we delve into the scandal that rocked the world: Jay Z’s anger and the arrest of P Diddy.

Cut to a montage of Jay Z and P Diddy performing on stage, attending red carpet events, and being celebrated by fans.

Jay Z and P Diddy, two of the biggest names in the music industry, had always been seen as rivals.

Their success, power, and influence were unparalleled. But behind the scenes, a dark secret brewed, threatening to shatter their carefully crafted public images.

One day, a brave woman named Sarah, who had been an insider in the music industry, decided to expose an affair between Jay Z and P Diddy.

She published her shocking revelations on her blog, sparking a media frenzy. I couldn’t bear to see the truth hidden any longer. The world deserved to know the real story behind these influential figure. How dare she expose our secret?

This cannot go unpunished. I have a plan. We can’t let her jeopardize your reputation. We need to take action.What do you suggest?We’ll find a way to silence her permanently.

He receives a phone call from an unknown number.I have information that could ruin your career. Meet me at the abandoned warehouse tonight.What do you want from me?

Your reputation is at stake. I can make this all disappear, but it will come at a price. I want you to pay someone to poison Sarah’s daughter, Blue Ivy.

It will send a chilling message to anyone who dares to expose our secrets.(hesitant) Are you sure about this?Trust me, it’s the only way. Jay Z receives a call from his confidant.